Tuesday 9 March 2021

What Is Your Priority

What Is Your Priority

I’m preparing to equip and empower believers on lifestyle evangelism this week.

Guess what?

Suddenly, two separate tenancy issues popped up at work, requiring immediate attention.

Work schedule changed in the last minute, including one requirement test that was supposed to be next week is now changed to this Wed. This would allow me to have more income opportunity if I go for the test (and pass it).

I knew this is an old trick of the enemy to get my focus off evangelism. So I decided to drop the work requirement test (in other words, drop the opportunity to earn more income; there might not be similar opportunity in near future), so that I could focus on the Kingdom for this week.

Matt 6:33 is not on lips’ service. It is reflected in the choices you make. Your priority and your choice will reveal if Matt 6:33 is truly in your heart, regardless of what you say you believe.

I’m typing this as my car suddenly broke down 10 minutes ago and I’m waiting for vehicle assistance.

Fret not. The enemy has no new trick and we must keep advancing the Kingdom.

On side note, this is why I prefer lifestyle evangelism and spontaneous equipping/empowering, as compared to a planned event. If the enemy doesn’t know what you are up to in your schedule, he can’t plan any attack.

P.S: I’m going to crush the enemy even more passionately this week.

P.P.S: The M car assistance guy got healed after checking my car. You whack the enemy harder if he tries to be funny.

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