Tuesday 30 March 2021

Truth Taught Is Better

Ministry done by faith gets people ministered.

Truth taught by faith gets people to be empowered to minister so that others are ministered.

The former looks good on the preacher. 
The latter looks good in heaven.

A Senior Pastor asked, “Are you going to call out individuals through word of knowledge in the service? I’m totally okay for you to do that.”

I replied, “No. We don’t need word of knowledge in a live service setting. God wants all to be healed, not specific individuals. If we call out individuals, those who are not called will think that it’s not their time to be healed. That is untrue. We’ll just call ALL who need healing to respond. And we get the people around them to minister healing so that they are empowered and people’s eyes are set on the God of men, instead of Man of God.

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