Saturday 13 March 2021

Discipleship & Evangelism

Evangelising and reaching the lost, whether individually or in masses is an easy job. It’s a hit-and-go. You don’t have to deal with their messes. It doesn’t take any enduring love to do the miraculous and get the lost saved. I’m guilty of enjoying that. There is no string attached on either party.

Discipleship, on the other hand, requires the enduring love of God. For God is long-suffering. Jesus Himself loved His disciples to the very end, even though He knew that one would betray Him; another would deny Him; and the rest (except John) would leave Him out of fear. In discipleship, there is commitment.

If we are only interested in the former and not the latter, the love of God in us is still incomplete. Since the Great Commission is about making disciples, then we have no excuse even if we simply say that we are called to be evangelists.

P.S: Discipleship is not preaching/teaching by the way. It’s living life together and dealing with the messes.

P.P.S: While the eyes of men are looking at evangelists preaching in big crusades/meetings, the eyes of God is looking at faithful and quiet ones discipling a few in small groups. Believers need to open their spiritual eyes and see deeper than the surface job.

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