Tuesday 30 March 2021

21-Day Fast —- 2021

I have ended a 21-day full fast, which I do it every year as a lifestyle, on top of a weekly fast (which I do it 1-day per week).

Even though I have done this for many years (more than a decade), I still find it challenging. And that’s the key. It causes me to depend on God and lean on Him.

Fasting does not bring any increase of power and whatsoever. Fasting is simply a tool (not the only tool) for us to stay focused and be intentionally conscious of Him. It helps me... at least for me.

I had to stop all swimming regime. I had to experience weight loss and muscle loss. Almost all athletes and/or bodybuilders would NEVER do this kind of full fast, because they don’t ever want to lose their muscles and stamina, which they have developed overtime. In fact, most of them are addicted to their exercises and bodies. They cannot let go.

For me, it is a test of my devotion. God must be my priority. Even though I have to re-start my swimming regime and weight gain EVERY TIME after an extended fast, I still do it. For I want to intentionally be devoted to Him.

By His grace, I will keep on keeping on. Thank You Jesus!

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