Saturday 6 March 2021

The Reference Point Of Faith

The Reference Point Of Faith

Everyone has a reference point where they put their faith in. Yes, Christ is the only One whom we put our faith in. But there is a reference point of faith that helps an individual to put their faith in Christ.

For example, the woman with the issue of blood had a reference point of faith ------ the hem of the garment of Jesus. She had faith that when she touched it, she would be made whole. And she did.

In Acts 5, Peter's shadow became the people's reference point of faith. They knew that when they got into Peter's shadow, they would be healed. And they did.

The reference point of faith is different for different individuals. There is no right or wrong. For some, humans such as pulpit ministers/evangelists are their reference point of faith. For some, Holy Communion is their reference point of faith. For some, prayer and fasting is their reference point of faith. For some, potato chips are their reference point of faith (ahem 😁).

If we don't understand this, many healing ministers will take credit (even though they share the testimonies as if they are giving glory to God, but actually giving glory to themselves quietly; for it's easily discerned in the Spirit) when they ministered to the sick and the latter got healed. Because the ministers (human tool) could simply be the sick's reference point of faith.

Note: Even the ministers have a reference point of faith by the words they use or the approach they use to minister to the sick. Smith Wigglesworth's reference point of faith is by punching people.

Whatever reference point of faith you have, don't make it into a method. Don't make it into teaching. Don't lay the conviction on others. Let individuals have that freedom to explore and grow.

P.S: When you find your own reference point of faith, keep exploring new ones, so that you are not limited especially in a situation when you cannot use that reference point.

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