Monday 22 March 2021

To Take Or Not To Take Vaccination Part 2

To Take Or Not To Take Vaccination Part 2

As mentioned in the previous post, each one has his own conviction in choosing whether he wants to take or not take the Covid-19 vaccination, as long as his decision is based on faith and good conscience.

With my personal past history with God, my conscience does not allow me to take.

I know that we can quote Luke 10:19 and Mark 16:18 regarding poison. But there is a difference between poison getting into your body VS intentionally putting poison into your body (NOTE: I'm not saying that the vaccination contains poison, but using the principle as an illustration).

I was supernaturally healed from an autoimmune blood disease by God, so I wouldn't want to put something foreign back into my blood again.

I do not know what kind of fluid is entering into my blood if I take the vaccination. So it requires more faith for me to crush what is inside (the blood) than what is outside (viruses around me).

Greater is He that is in me that he that is in the world. - 1 John 4:4

I have more confidence to let the law of the Spirit of Life in me crush any virus that is on the outside. It has happened countless times and I personally believe it's the same for Covid-19 regardlessly.

God has created our mind and our body to be much more powerful than you think. But it requires resistance training, just like muscles. The more you do resistance training for your muscles, the bigger and stronger they become. As a result, you can lift heavier weights.

Similarly, the more we do resistance training with our mind and our body to fight viruses, the stronger our body becomes. If you have not realised, those who keep taking medicine for immediate remedy end up falling sick the most frequently, because the body realises that it doesn't have to do any resistance training ----- thus, it starts to rely on medication to help fight any virus, instead of producing strong cells to kill the viruses automatically.

Ever since I stopped taking medication many years ago, my body has developed robust immune system that has prevented any sickness/disease.

The same is meant for anyone and everyone, because God created us in the same image.

Again, I'm not saying that everyone should skip vaccination. But do it according to your faith and good conscience.

Disclaimer: If they make it compulsory for all to take, I have no issue taking it. Just have to believe in God to crush any side effects that enter from the blood.

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