Monday 27 August 2018

New Age Lady

A New Age Lady was drawn to us because she saw the cards we were using. She asked, “Where did you get these cards?”

She wanted to use the cards to do spiritual reading on one of our people. In other words, she wanted to challenge us.

We spoke up plainly and said, “We are Christians. We actually don’t depend on the cards. In fact, we threw away the whole manual, because we lean on the Holy Spirit to do reading.”

In such case, we intentionally put the cards aside. We looked at her and said, “You have back problem.” She said, “Yes, it has been hurting for ages.”

We said, “Because your spine is not straight.” She nodded, “Yes. It is not.”

We ministered to her and her spine was straightened and healed. She questioned, “What did you use? I could feel energy coming out.”

God spoke and we said, “5 years ago, you went into deep disappointment, and you began to search for hope and peace. In fact, that was the reason why you ended up in New Age.”

She nodded and said, “Yes, you are right. And I’m searching for hope and peace.”

We answered, “There is a greater hope than this. He is the Hope of glory. And there is a greater peace than this. His name is the Prince of peace. He is Jesus.”

We shared the Gospel with her. She was almost going to cross the line of faith to receive Him, but she said, “Let me have abit more time to search.”

Since we are not after salvation numbers for the sake of clocking another testimony (because we want genuine salvation), we told her that Jesus loves her and she could continue to discover more. The seed was sown and the Gospel was both demonstrated and presented. The harvest is on its way.

If the Gospel doesn’t include the Cross, and Jesus as the only Way, then it is a watered-down Gospel that pleases men (due to fear of men). It is better to have someone hear the Gospel and decide that he is not ready to accept, than to have someone hear a feel-good incomplete Gospel and accept it, thinking that he is saved (when he is not). 

We need to be unashamed of the Gospel, just like what apostle Paul preached.

Some believers are concerned with the cards we use. There are always different schools of thoughts. To each his own. But my personal stand and conviction is very clear - Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. We cannot afford to have any room for fear. What we touch is more powerful than what touches us. If it isn’t that way, then it is better not to go for massage or visit Chinese sinseh, because they are touching you.

The New Age must bow to the Rock of Ages because He is the Original, the Beginning and the End.

Our desire is that these people who genuinely seek for peace and hope, find the Prince of Peace and the Hope of Glory. Jesus! #xperiential #newageoutreach #rockofages

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