Tuesday 14 August 2018

Follow-Up On The Lost

Follow-Up On The Lost

Some asked, “If you reach the lost in the streets, how do you disciple and follow up with them?”

The truth is...

1) Jesus reached out to the multitudes but He could only disciple 12. You don’t have the capacity to disciple multitudes. If you can, there is a high chance you are not really discipling them.

2) The religious ones who asked such question usually don’t even reach out to the lost in the streets on a lifestyle basis.

3) Just because we can’t disciple someone does not mean we don’t reach out to him. If someone is dying physically in the streets, you want to do CPR in order to save him. However, you don’t have the capacity to follow up with him like a paramedic or a doctor. You won’t say, “Since I can’t follow up with him, I better don’t do CPR. Let him die.”

Similarly, if someone is dying spiritually in the streets, we want to share the Good News so that he can be saved. Whether we can follow up on him or not is a totally different issue from getting him saved.

4) Apparently, there is Someone called the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit who guides and the Spirit who teaches. He is able to cause anyone to grow through various ways, including linking him with someone who can disciple him. Don’t try to limit the work of God with the work of man. He is bigger. Some plant the seeds; some water; but it is He who brings the increase.

Religion tries to stop you from doing what is good to justify its lack. Love doesn’t stop and Love doesn’t give an excuse because Love never fails.

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