Wednesday 15 August 2018

Running Your Race

Running Your Race

I was a marathon runner many years ago. I went for the full 42 km. The greatest motivation for perseverance and strength is to simply SET my eyes on my personal goal.

I had no time to look behind. I might trip and fall.

I couldn't be distracted to look to the sides. It would slow me down if I began to compare myself with them.

I had no strength to compete with the one ahead of me. If I were to force myself to get into his position, I would burn out before the finishing line.

Thus, I kept my eyes on my personal goal. I was running with thousands and thousands of people, but I had my own, personal race.

When running your race in the kingdom of God, there will always be people COMPETING with you, COMPLAINING about you and ACCUSING you. Some simply cannot take it when you are radical in the way you run the race.

You don't abide by their rules.
Your don't abide by their preferred standards.
You don't abide by whether it is good or bad in their eyes.

You only abide in HIM - Jesus. For it is the race He has given to you personally.

The best response is to KEEP RUNNING STRONG AND RUNNING WELL towards the finishing line of your own race.

Phil 1:6 - He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Ignore competition. Focus on completion.

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