Thursday 16 August 2018

The Key To The Prophetic

Everyone is prophetic if you realise your identity as a son/daughter. The manifestations of the Spirit in 1 Cor 12 are not for the elite but for every believer because you are chosen, appointed and anointed by Christ.

Gifts are grown by trying.
Fruit is grown by trusting.

The reason why many believers do not walk in the manifestations of 1 Cor 12 is because they don't know that they can develop (try) what is already given to them --- the Holy Spirit who has ALL the gifts.

Having said that, there are always people who want the supernatural so much that they have gone weird, and sometimes flaky. You don't have to shout "fire, wind or water", shake your body/hands and manifest yourself in order for the power of God to move. If it is from God, you don't have to try so hard. If it is not, no matter what you do won't result in power. Stop trying to help God do what He can and will do. Many of the most powerful moments that I personally witnessed and experienced are gentle and quiet.

I cannot imagine Jesus doing that. Throughout the Gospel, He was supernaturally natural. He was normal. People were drawn to Him. He didn't go around shouting, "Fire of God! Wind of the Holy Spirit!" He was simply loving people wherever He went. The way He touched the leper must be so gentle that He left the leper healed not just physically, but also emotionally.

And we are called to be conformed to His image - which means 'all that He is'.

Many people want to go after many conferences and seminars to learn about moving in the prophetic gifts. I used to do that too. But I have learnt that the motivation to move in the prophetic empowers you more than the seminars you attend. In a nutshell, there is ONE simple KEY to the prophetic. It is not complicated. You don't need to attend a series of seminar to learn how to move in the prophetic.

Disclaimer: There is nothing wrong to desire to grow in the prophetic. But it is not for oneself. It is for others. It is not meant to exalt and lift up one's ego. It is meant to lift up others so that they know the God of Love and their God-created value.

But earnestly desire the greater gifts. And I show you a STILL MORE EXCELLENT WAY. - 1 Cor 12:31 (emphasis added)

The word 'excellent' in Greek means 'beyond measure'. There is a way to grow in the prophetic beyond measure. It is THE WAY of LOVE (1 Cor 13).

If faith works through Love (Gal 5:6), it means that Love releases the confidence to walk in all that God has given to us --- including the prophetic.

Having reached out to thousands of people in the streets of Singapore as a lifestyle, I realise that whenever I pursue in loving someone, the prophetic flows out naturally. Words of knowledge, words of wisdom, prophecies and healings simply flow out when I focus on Love.

In that place, I don't need to worry if I have gotten a right word from God or whether I have heard God correctly or not. You don't prophesy accurately to feel good or feel affirmed. You are already affirmed by the Father because of Christ. And even if you heard wrongly, the desire to love a person will still touch his life and sow the kingdom into him. If you are just trying to gain the 'accuracy statistics of the prophetic', then you miss the point completely.

You don't minister to get a testimony FOR God.
You minister because you are the testimony FROM God.

The reason why miracles and the prophetic flow so easily in missions fields is because we love the people. The reason why we don't see the same results in Singapore is because we need to grow in loving our own people.

While believing can produce some results, only Love produces the right belief to have consistent results like Jesus. For He is LOVE. And He never changes wherever He goes.

There is ONE simple KEY to grow and move in the prophetic ------ LOVE. You will realise that when you go on to love someone in the streets, God will give you the flow of heaven's messages for the person you are reaching out to.

The Gospel is simple. Don't make it complicated.

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