Monday 6 August 2018

New Age Outreach Part 5

A couple sat down and we asked if the lady experienced tightness on her left shoulder. She nodded and we ministered healing.

The guy picked a blessing card. Our eyes were drawn to the peace of mind.

Then we asked, “Is there a L or Lee?” The guy said, “That’s my surname. I’m Lee.” We said, “There is a financial promotion coming and you are going to see an increase in salary. Does that ring a bell?” The lady was shocked and looked at him.

He said, “Yes. It rings many bells.” Because he was indeed getting a promotion.

We said, “But your mind is stressed over your work, because of the pressure that comes from your boss. There are too many politics going on at where you are. And you are allowing what is on the outside to affect you. What you need is peace. Unless you have that peace, you can’t function and lead well in your work.” He nodded and listened intently. Then we shared the Prince of Peace with him. #xperiential #newageoutreach

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