Saturday 4 August 2018

New Age Outreach Part 4

A man came and sat at the booth. He picked a blessing card. Our eyes were drawn to a small rock that the lady sat on.

We saw the letter ‘M’ and we asked, “Does the letter M mean anything? It’s a name starting with ‘Me’ something.” 

He named his brother and said, “That’s my brother.” We said, “And your relationship with him isn’t good.” He replied, “He just moved out of the family last week. Yes, it isn’t good.” 

We added, “God wants to restore that relationship. In fact, you don’t have a heart of stone. You have a heart of flesh. One that is so tender and soft. One that naturally wants to love people and care for them. But your family situation has been draining you. And it has caused you to be hardened. Now people cannot get close to you. You will only relate to them on surface but you won’t let anyone come into your heart. The moment someone draws closer, you will immediately retreat. But God is going to heal your hurt right now and restore your heart that is tender and loving.” 

He was pretty surprised and kept nodding, saying that it is very true.

We ministered healing to his heart. And shared Jesus. #xperiential #newageoutreach

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