Tuesday 14 August 2018

Sanctified Food In The Stomach

My wife and I both had stomach discomfort after lunch on Sunday. We ate the same food. Both of us also felt nausea and giddy.

So I put my hand on my stomach and thank God for the curry rice that we ate. If we can say Grace before we eat, we can also say Grace after we have eaten.

For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. - 1 Tim 4:4

So I began to thank Him for the curry rice in my stomach. For whatever that is received with thanksgiving is sanctified and made good. Some people don’t believe in sanctifying your food, but I am one who believes that it can be set apart for my good.

After thanking Him for the curry rice in my body, every symptom left within a minute. Jesus!

Man-made food has a problem due to the fallen world. Therefore if we are looking at dieting and consuming only healthy food, we are setting our eyes on a failed system. The Cross has purchased for us Redemption. Redemption includes redeeming you from the “fallen” food. So if we put our trust in Christ, the food can be sanctified, for whatever that is from God is good. Jesus!

P.S: This is not an excuse to be a glutton.

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