Saturday 1 September 2018

Faith Is...

Faith is not a hit or miss. It is the Way of Life. If we fix our eyes on the Author and the Finisher of faith, who is unchanging, then faith is unchanging, unwavering, unshakeable, steadfast and immovable.

We are in a war between two kingdoms. By His Grace, I learnt to war years ago when I had an incurable autoimmune disease. The war has nothing to do with our strength. It has to be based on His finished works. If we don’t stay where He finished, we are finished.

The enemy knows that, and he’s trying his best to get us move from our victory ground. Apostle Paul said, “After you have done all, to stand.” It means that we are to stand firm and stay in the finished works of Christ. That’s faith.

For past two years or so, I was warring (staying in faith) against an affliction. I didn’t know the cause. Neither did I need to know. I didn’t visit any doctor. Neither did I do research on the internet to find out what the symptoms point to.

At least once to twice a week, I would have blurry & double visions, followed by severe headache. At times, the headache was so severe that I had to stop every activity and rest.

I didn’t share with anyone. Only my wife knew. For I had intended to war against it.

Throughout these two years, I continued to minister to the sick and saw them healed. If you are sick, minister to the sick. It doesn’t make us become hypocrites or make us feel condemned. It makes us true believers (Mark 16:17-18). I learnt that my identity has nothing to do with the affliction.

Occasionally, the carnal mind would speak. It sounded exactly like your own voice but it’s actually demonic in nature —— it comes from the enemy.

“Why don’t you just pop a panadol and resolve that?”

“Why don’t you go and see a doctor and find out what’s wrong?”

“You know what? It could be a brain tumour.”

I learnt that the spiritual mind doesn’t speak that way. So each time when I experienced the blurry visions or pain, or the voice from the carnal realm, I immediately turned it to thanksgiving. I thanked God that His finished works are finished and I’m so glad to be His son. I thanked Him for my identity, who I am in Him and who He is to me. I thanked Him for the Body and the Blood —- divine life and health.

It’s a war. But faith is unchanging and it doesn’t give up. It doesn’t strive and work. It rests on the goodness and faithfulness of God. For He is SO GOOD to you and me.

I don’t set my eyes on what I do not see visibly. I set my eyes on what I see invisibly —- Jesus Christ.

Faith is not a try. It is a far cry from a try. It is not a method which you apply and see if it works. If that is faith, then we are subjected to life circumstances, and vulnerable to the prince of the power of the air.

Faith is... the Way of Life. What does the symptoms have to do with my crucified life in Him? More often than not, we allow what we see (pain and circumstances) to overwhelm what He sees. We let what we are going through overwhelm what Christ has gone through. To seek first His kingdom includes letting what He went through take priority in our lives. My life is not my own. Jesus said that if we lose our lives for Him, we will find it. That encompasses looking beyond our own affliction. For the war is between the two kingdoms and it is nothing personal.

Then... I did not know when and I did not know how. This phrase seems to be quite common in my life when it comes to personal healing. I did not know when and I did not know how, but every symptom has left. I have not experienced anything for more than one or two months. Healing is real, so is Jesus!

Disclaimer: I am not advocating that anyone should not see a doctor or specialist. Neither am I telling anyone not to take medicine or carry on with the doctor’s prescription. In addition, I’m not saying that you should not ask fellow brothers and sisters to minister healing to you. We are one Body and we should support and encourage one another. My testimony is NOT a method for anyone to copy. It doesn’t ever work that way. Faith cannot be reduced to a method. I have my own personal conviction to war this thing, because I preach healing without compromise.

This sharing is meant to encourage us to look to the finished works of Christ in the midst of our trials. Jesus loves you. He is FOR you and He wants you healed. He doesn’t ever change His mind.

Keep on keeping on. Jesus! #healing

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