Sunday 2 September 2018

Stopping For One Person

Stopping For One Person

There were many powerful testimonies during our recent New Age outreach. My heart is so full encountering this one.

One of the team members approached a guy who was strolling along that street. She invited him to come to the spiritual reading booth. He agreed.

As he sat down, we saw a vision of him trying to kill himself (commit suicide). We waited for him to draw a card first.

The card was ‘Blessing for Protection’. And we said, “You almost died because of the decision you made, but God preserved your life and protected you.”

His eyes became watery. He paused in silent, before saying, “How did you know? I actually attempted to commit suicide. I was going to jump down but there was a voice in my mind saying, ‘Don’t do it.’”

We said, “That’s the voice of God. His name is Jesus. He loves you and He is the One who protected you and preserved your life, because you are much more valuable than you know.”

He was going to cry... We shared the whole Gospel with him. He was almost going to receive Jesus, but due to his monotheistic belief, he said, “I need abit more time to process this.”

If we simply say “would you like to accept this Jesus?” without sharing the whole Gospel, I’m sure he will just receive in ignorance. The whole point of the Gospel is not to get someone to ignorantly say the so-called salvation prayer and think that he is saved. This is why we produce a feel-good Christianity. Everyone will say that they want Jesus unless we present the full Gospel. It is then that they realise receiving Jesus also means denying other gods, acknowledging the need for a Saviour because of sins and the reason for the Cross.

We told that guy, “Sure. Please do.” And we ministered to his left knee because God spoke. He went, “Wow. How did you know? I just had the problem yesterday.”

We chatted further. Before he left, he gave us a big tight hug.

The seed had been sown. I’m sure he walked away knowing the God of Love who encountered him and saved his life because He valued him. The Holy Spirit will grow the seed in him until he is ready to exchange his life with His life. When that happens, he will not be a feel-good Christian. He will be a steadfast and immoveable soldier that marches on relentlessly in the Kingdom. Jesus! 

Stopping for one person may change his life forever. You never know how one word from heaven can change the course of someone’s destiny. Look out for someone to bless when you go about your daily life. #xperiential #newageoutreach

Interested to know how you, too, can walk in this kingdom lifestyle? Sign up now for the School of Power and Love! Limited seating capacity. #powerandlove2018

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