Sunday 30 September 2018

Salvation Prayer???

Salvation Prayer?

Last night, a young chap in his 20s came to sit down for a reading.

He pulled out the card, “Blessing for a battle that cannot be avoided.”

We first asked, “Do you have any injury that didn’t recover?”

He said, “I have two slipped discs and my back is still hurting.”

We ministered to him. His spine was straightened. We asked, “Can you do something that you can’t do before?”

He said, “I can’t bend and touch my toes.”

We said, “Try it.”

He was shocked when he could bend and touched his toes twice.

We said, “There is angst and strife in the family.” He nodded.

“It has to do with your father.” He answered, “You are right.”

We added, “You have a total of three siblings including you. Two brothers and one sister.”

He said, “That’s very creepy.”

“You are the one who is always left out because your father favours your sister. This is the battle within that you struggle with. Nevertheless, God is going to restore the relationship between you and your father.”

We shared Christ with him. He told us that he went to church many times and was even baptised because of family, but he never believed in God. In addition, he had said the salvation prayer many times.

We looked at him and responded, “It’s not about praying the salvation prayer. It’s about believing. It’s not about how many times you have prayed the salvation prayer. Because it has nothing to do with what you say. It’s simply about believing from your heart who Christ is.”

He finally understood, but he’s not ready. We asked him to read the Gospel of John and find out who Jesus is so that he can believe from his heart. 

I believe he is on his way to the kingdom.

It is presumptuous to think that leading people to receive Jesus with a salvation prayer means that the person really believes Christ as the Messiah who forgave all their sins and that He is the only God.

We have encountered so many times where people who said the salvation prayer didn’t know what they were saying. Neither did they really believe Jesus as the only God.

By the way, there is no salvation prayer in the Bible. It’s about believing in Him. Period.

Maybe we should stop leading people to Christ. Instead, GIVE them the reality and the knowledge of Christ so that they can believe Him. #newageoutreach #xperiential

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