Thursday 11 October 2018

Lifestyle of Power & Love

A lifestyle of Power & Love is what every believer in Christ can walk in, if you realise who Christ is IN you. It is not reserved for the evangelists and pastors. It is your birthright and identity.

For too long, the Body of Christ has been looking to the men of God at the pulpit. We are always waiting for the next mega evangelistic rally or outreach event. We are waiting for a so-called anointed and prominent preacher. We are waiting to go for the next missions trip out of town. We are waiting for God to send revival. We are waiting for so-called fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The only waiting Jesus told the disciples to do was BEFORE the Pentecost. They waited at the Upper Room for the Promise (Holy Spirit) to come. It happened! And that was 2000 years ago.

Today, God is NOT asking you to wait for another outpouring. He already GAVE the fullness of the Spirit to you. He already SENT the Holy Spirit. The word ‘revival’ is meant for something dead. Believers like you and me are NOT dead. We are spiritually ALIVE in Christ. We have been revived when the Holy Spirit came into us. What we need is not another revival. What we need is to BE AWAKENED to the reality of who Christ is and who we are IN Him.

Stop looking to the man at the pulpit to minister to you. Start looking to the MAN IN you who ministers. Christ IN you is the HOPE of GLORY!

Many ministers teach you but many don’t empower you. Because they want to come back and teach again, in order to feel needed. If you leave that meeting exalting the man at the pulpit and say, “Wow he’s amazing! I don’t think I can be like him!”, then you have not been empowered.

If you leave a meeting exalting Christ IN you and say, “If he can do it, so can I. Because we have the same Christ!”, then you have been empowered to walk out the same identity God has put in you.

In School of Power and Love Singapore (5-8 Dec 2018), this is our objective. We know that Todd White and his team WILL empower you to live a lifestyle of Power and Love. We are fully confident in that, because I am one of the beneficiaries of Todd’s YouTube videos many years ago when he first started out in the streets.

They have done School of Power and Love more than 100 times and this is the first time it is held in Singapore. Many have said that this is the MOST life-changing event they have ever attended.

Personally I have and am still living a lifestyle of outreach. I don’t wait for another evangelistic rally. I don’t wait for another outreach event. I don’t wait for another missions trip. I don’t wait for another church meeting. I don’t wait for another evangelist or prominent speaker. I don’t take breaks from reaching out because IT IS A LIFESTYLE where your LIFE IS THE OUTREACH.

I’m seeing people healed and ministered to on a regular, daily basis. I was at Yahava this afternoon to buy coffee beans. The Barista was surprised at the Word of knowledge and healing that he received. He is a Christian, but he has stopped going to church for three years. He has never experienced anything like this since he was born (he’s a 2nd generation believer). And he’s on his way back to the Shepherd.

The good news is this... I’m just a normal believer. A father of one son and a husband of one wife. I’m just someone who loves coffee and holds a secular job. Not a pastor. Not an evangelist. Not holding any four-fold offices (some say it’s five-fold, but it doesn’t matter). I only know how to fold my clothes. 😬

So if I can do it as an ordinary person in Christ, all of you are more than qualified. 

You just need to know who you REALLY ARE IN CHRIST!

In School of Power and Love, you WILL walk this out.

Stop waiting. And start going 🙂

Hurry and sign up now at

Early bird rate is ending in two days’ time! Don’t miss it and end up paying more!

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