Saturday 29 September 2018

Real Estate Encounter

Three years ago, I did door knocking at a HDB estate during the Christmas season.

A lady found my property sharing pertinent to her, so she invited me to enter her house to discuss further. I discovered that she bought a sales of balance unit, thus her MOP was three years later (2018) than the units in the same estate. Nevertheless, I continued with my presentation. As she was going through a rough patch, she briefly poured out her heart to me. Her ex-hubby had left her to single-handedly raise up their son.

I ministered to her and gave her a prophetic word through prayer, even though she isn’t a believer. She kept tearing up as the Spirit reached out to her soul. She texted me on the following day that the prayer was the best gift she received for that Christmas.

Three years later, she contacted me. We just met up few days ago. She said, “I held on to the vision (prophetic word) you gave me three years ago. That gave me strength to carry on. When my unit reached MOP, the first property agent I had in mind is you, because you are not a typical agent who is only concerned with selling my unit. I will always remember that powerful prayer.”

We met at 9pm, but we conversed till 1.30am. I had to interrupt her so that I could text my wife to let her know where I was, for accountability purpose.

This lady, who is reaching her 50, shared her life journey and many challenging issues that she both faced and is facing. Spoke into her life and ministered to her spinal problem as the Spirit revealed. Her spine was straightened by the grace of God. She teared up as she encountered His Presence. Jesus!

I believe she is not far from the Kingdom.

My wife asked, “Why do you always connect well with older women?”

I replied, “I married one. Because my wisdom surpasses my years.” 🤣🤣🤣

Joke aside... I love my job as a real estate agent. Because I get to manifest His kingdom in the marketplace. I count it a privilege to be able to offer intangible value on top of the tangibles. #lifestylechristianity101

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