Friday 9 June 2017

Your Life Is An Outreach - 7 Encounters In A Day

Barista at Huggs cafe was healed of his neck through word of knowledge. Then God spoke and we asked, "You know Adrian?" He went, "Which Adrian?" We said, "Adrian Tan." He said, "Yeah." We then prophesied about his friend. He was surprised and asked, "Are you a Christian?" We said, "Yes." He responded, "I haven't gone to church for quite a while." We shared God's heart with him and he was blessed, touched and likely going back to church.

Then we went to Jimmy Monkey to buy beans. The barista said, "I was just talking to one of the staff about you today and you actually showed up. Because I have pain on my arm." Ministered and he was completely healed. He went, "F**king amazing! Really!" The Caucasian lady sitting beside saw what happened and requested for healing for her left shoulder. She was healed and went, "This is amazing! God bless you!"

We went into a Korean restaurant and as the waiter served us, God spoke and we asked, "You have problem with your left knee?" He went, "Oh yes. I met an accident some time ago." We ministered healing and he felt tingling, but couldn't verify as he didn't have pain at that point. As we were making payment, God spoke and we asked the cashier, "Do you have a problem with your left wrist?" She said, "Yes", and pointed to a small plaster on the side of her left wrist. It's rheumatism. She asked, "Which church are you from?" We said, "NCC." She replied, "Ok. I think it's ok. No need to heal me." (Maybe NCC is cultic to her LOL). We released healing anyway, because you don't need permission to heal.

We took a $1.70 Uber car to J's ex-nanny's place due to her birthday. God spoke and we asked, "Did you fracture your arm before?" Driver said, "Yes. My left arm. But now I have numbness on my right arm." We ministered and the numbness left him totally. Then we asked, "How about your fractured arm?" He shared that his fractured arm would experience pain only during rainy days. We ministered healing anyway.

Then we took another $2 Uber. God spoke and we asked, "Uncle, you have pain on your right shoulder?" He said, "How do you know?" We ministered and he felt heat and was healed. Jesus!!!

Sharing all these encounters in a day as a daily lifestyle, because we don't have to intentionally go for an outreach event or activity. We don't even have to intentionally seek out someone to bless. We don't need to find someone to get a testimony and clock another number or record. Jesus Himself IS our testimony. While living our everyday lives, we will definitely meet people. That's when your life IS an outreach, because we are not called to do witnessing. We are called to BE His witnesses. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #yourlifeisanoutreach

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