Thursday 8 June 2017

Cashier At Buzz Kiosk Born Again

Was thirsty, thus decided to get a drink at the Buzz kiosk. While making payment, God spoke and we asked, "You have pain on your right knee?" The cashier said, "Yes." As we stood at the counter, she was completely healed.

Then God spoke and we asked, "Do you know Ganesh?" She said, "He's my friend." We continued, "Is he going through a tough issue?" Her eyes were wide open. We added, "We saw him wearing a watch and selling it." She said, "He's in a deep financial debt. He's even running away from loansharks."

We prayed for her friend and shared Jesus with her. She received Jesus into her life! She was then baptised in the Holy Spirit. She felt the whole "envelope" of God's presence coming down into her body. God has taken up residence in a new temple. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #salvation

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