Wednesday 14 June 2017


"John G Lake trained others how to minister healing and called them "practitioners". Lake sent out his practitioners to make house calls. 

He told them, "Don't come back until they are healed."

This kind of boldness startles people today. They think, "How could you do that? You don't have control over this. You don't have that kind of authority. You don't have any responsibility. Just go out and ask God to heal them. It's all up to God. 


John G Lake knew that God had already done His part to provide healing and that it's our turn now to take our authority and use it. The longest time any of those practitioners stayed out ministering was about thirty days." 
- Andrew Wommack

It is interesting when we are secretly thankful on the inside, and we give ourselves a pat when we minister healings and see results. But when we minister and don't see results, we think, "Not our responsibility, man... It's all up to God."

I'm so glad John G Lake had a clear revelation on this when it comes to healing. He TOOK responsibility. "Don't come back until they are healed." That's how serious he was.

Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 17:17 when they failed to heal the demon-possessed boy, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.”

In other words, "You guys have distorted (perverse) the plan and purpose of God - which is to HEAL ALL. You had all powers given to you (Luke 9:1, Matthew 10:1), but you couldn't do it because of your unbelief (Matthew 17:20)." I do believe that Jesus was gentle even in His rebuke. For He is Love.

Today, in order to build a strawberry Christian generation, we compromise on the truth in order not to discourage anyone. Back in John G Lake's time, he stood on truth and he taught his ministers truth. They were relentless. They were unwavering. They took responsibility and went for it. This is why we haven't seen the consistent results John G Lake had in our generation.

It's time we get serious.

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