Saturday 17 June 2017

Let Me Feed You

In a vision, Jesus took me to the Garden of intimacy. He fed me food to eat with a spoon. Each time when I opened my mouth, He fed me a spoonful of food. Then I asked, "What does this mean?"

He replied, "This is what I desire My people to have. I know exactly what they need. I want to feed them and nourish them directly. I want them to commune with Me and let Me empower them. I don't want them to go from one conference to another conference, one sermon message to another sermon message, one book to another book. For I, MYSELF, will feed them with the food. The enemy is most fearful when I am the One preparing the table before My people."

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies..." - Psalm 23:5

Alot of us like to go for the buffet table, because there is a widespread of food to choose from. Most of the time, we overeat and end up with stomach discomfort. We go for conferences, listen to messages and read many Christian books (instead of the Bible). The more the merrier. We end up feeding on too many kinds of teachings - third party revelations. The initial phase is so appetizing and delicious. We like it. Yet the eventual result is great spiritual discomfort, which we only realise when we are faced with the difficult circumstances.

But God desires that you and I have an individual, personal table of communion with Him. He has prepared that table of food. He is ready to feed you directly through the Word of God (Bible) - first hand revelation. Without a personal table, the enemies can cause you to feel defeated. But with that personal table, it empowers you with the personal revelation of Christ which causes the enemies to fear.

So while you are letting God spoon-feed you at the table, the enemies are crippled in your presence.

P.S: Some read the Word with commentaries; some read the Word with concordance; some read the Word with Christian books and teachings; but let's read the Word with the Holy Spirit.

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