Saturday 24 June 2017

Dream - Curry Blake & Gordon Lindsay

Last night, I had a vivid dream about Curry Blake and Lindsay Gordon. I was in a meeting with the two of them talking about divine healing.

We talked about John G Lake and I mentioned that while John had amazing revelations of divine healing, he was operating with a mixture of New & Old Covenant. I said that Curry Blake had the clear understanding of the New Covenant.

Lindsay Gordon, however, argued his point. Now I have never heard Gordon's messages before. I have never read his books before. He died before I was even born into this world. To have a dream about him is really interesting. Because I have never once thought about this name when I'm awake.

What's even more interesting is that I found out (this morning from internet) that Lindsay Gordon actually travelled with John G Lake and learnt under John. This is similar to Curry Blake, but Curry learnt from John's healing manuals and tapes. Amazing!

I woke up asking God for the interpretation of this dream and He said, "Study them on Divine Healing. But Gordon did have a mixture of New & Old Covenant. So discern carefully."

Well, I don't usually like to study or follow men of God. I prefer to stick to Jesus and study His Word. But I know that God is showing me that while I do the important (Jesus and His Word), I can still learn from Curry and Gordon.

This morning, I read what Gordon said. While I don't agree with some parts (I removed from the text), the followings are pretty biblical and they are what I stood for and believe. It's about identity healing.

Divine Healing

"The natural man is a creature of his senses. If he still sees or feels the symptoms of an affliction, he insists on believing what his senses tell him, rather than what God’s word has said. Faith, by contrast, is not influenced by what the eye sees, and indeed is indifferent to it. It is not a creature of the senses but draws its strength from the immutability of God’s word. If this were not the nature of faith, no such thing as faith would be necessary. Why should faith be needed for that which already exists, and the eye sees it and the hand feels it?

The moment a man believes for his physical deliverance, he receives it as far as God is concerned. “Whatsoever ye desire when ye pray, believe ye receive and ye shall have.” (Mark 11:24). Therefore if temptation comes, and one yields to the symptoms, he does the very thing the devil wants him to do. He does exactly as an erring new convert who, under temptation gives way to the enemy’s suggestion that he never was really saved. So is the man who believes for healing, then doubts and afterward declares he didn’t get his healing.

The truth is that the majority of people who come for healing are healed so far as God is concerned. The real problem is to keep these people from unbelief and from skepticism, and all those who are slaves to their sense knowledge. At this time as at no other it is important to keep these people under the word of God and from association with unbelievers. The problem is identically the same as a pastor experiences when a large group of converts accept Christ. How he labours with these people, giving them loving attention, and feeding them with the sincere milk of the word. It he did not, in many cases they would fall by the wayside. Satan tempted Christ and said, “It thou be the son of God …” He tempts the sinner who has been truly saved. 

He will tempt every person who has been healed. But while the young convert is encouraged to resist temptation and the devil, and to look away to Christ, the person who is healed will all too often be given suggestions by friend or foe, by the weak and the well, by the preacher and the pew, to not be too sure of his healing, and to be on the alert for the return of his old affliction." - Lindsay Gordon (1906-1973)

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