Tuesday 27 June 2017

Warring Against Sickness Or Warring For The Kingdom

While we forcefully advance the kingdom of God, there is another kingdom that wars against us to prevent the kingdom from advancing. The fight is never personal. The fight is always about the kingdom. The enemy is not against you, because if God is for you, who can be against you? The enemy is against the One in you. You have died and now Christ lives in and through you. The enemy is against the kingdom within you. If he can stop you, he can stop the kingdom from advancing.

Yet if we take this war personal, we will not be able to stand and endure. We end up in self-pity and self-focused. That disarms our kingdom weapon and allows the enemy to steal, kill and destroy.

If we know that this war is against the kingdom of God, we will be kingdom-focused and Christ-focused. Our kingdom weapon becomes the shield of faith we take to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

On the day when I was going to look at the venue for a conference we are planning for, a very familiar pain suddenly came up at the left side of my pelvic area. Many years ago, I was healed from an incurable, autoimmune disease. Now the symptom felt exactly the same.

But I have warred this through and is familiar with what the enemy does. This time, it is way too obvious. If I were to take it personal, I would be in trouble. 

I told no one about the pain. Telling everyone and getting them to pray for me will only prove that I am fearful of what is happening. The enemy can't get me because I am keeping my mouth shut. I have long rested my case. It is finished.

But my wife caught it. You just can't escape from your closest one. She saw me walking with difficulty. She said, "Your back... The devil is obviously not happy with what you are doing." She knew it well. As a wife, she naturally loves me. So she kept asking periodically to see if I was doing fine and if I needed to go home and rest.

I replied, "Don't worry. And don't exalt the enemy. He has nothing new. He has nothing against me. He can do nothing because I'm not going to bother about it. I have been healed. This thing has to go."

I'm not trying to be healed. I was already healed and I am still healed. It's a position of identity and I refuse to let what I am going through change what He has gone through. It's about standing and keeping the armour on.

In 2 days, the pain and the symptom left me. It only proves one thing - the fight is real. But it is not personal. It is a war between two kingdoms.

Don't let what happens to you become personal. Let what happened to Christ become personal. When that is in place, the fight is over because Jesus' works were finished on the Cross. #identity #kingdom #war #healed

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