Saturday 3 June 2017

Cafe At Malacca

Entered a cafe in Malacca. While talking to the barista, God spoke to us about his right wrist. We ministered and he was very surprised as he was completely healed. Then God spoke and we asked, "Is Alan someone close to you?" He replied, "Alan is my father." We added, "He has some digestive issue with his stomach, right?" He responded, "He doesn't watch his diet, so he may have this problem, together with high blood pressure." We ministered in proxy and shared with him about Jesus.

We are not going from one outreach event to another outreach event. Our life IS an outreach because it's a lifestyle. Jesus!

He shared with me some tips on coffee extraction. Like me, he likes double Ristretto, so he extracts the coffee ground based on this. This is yet another barista who agreed that Melbourne probably has the best coffee. I must visit Melbourne one day. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings

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