Sunday 4 June 2017

Not Psychological

Some say that if we tell people we do healing, it causes them to prepare to receive psychologically and thus, they are healed.

We spoke to two cashiers today on separate occasions. One was at Old Town cafe. The other was at an underwear shop. We asked if they had pain on their left knee and left shoulder respectively.

Without telling them what we intended to do, we simply stood there either pointing to the knee or doing nothing to the shoulder. One felt tingling and the other felt nothing. But both were completely healed anyway.

It is nothing psychological because we did not say anything to prepare them about healing. At the same time, if they didn't know what was going to happen, then healing has nothing to do with the recipient - whether they believe or not. Because according to Mark 16:17-18, these signs follow the one ministering (believing). So stop pointing finger at the recipient when you don't see healing. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings

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