Saturday 3 June 2017

Seafood Dinner At Malacca

After we were done with our dinner, a M lady approached us and asked if we wanted to have seafood at her stall number 8. We told her that we had just finished. She said, "No worries. Come to my stall next time."

We said, "You have a problem with your right ankle." She said, "No." Then she nodded, "Actually yes." As we stood there talking to her, she felt tingling on her right ankle. Then we asked, "Is your father still alive?" She replied, "No." We continued, "Then it should be your father-in-law. He has a heart problem, right?" She responded, "Oh yes. He has a heart problem resulting in mild stroke." We prayed for her father-in-law in proxy. Then we asked her to test out her right ankle. She exclaimed, "It's 100% okay now! Thank you so much!" 

If our life IS an outreach, location and timing don't matter. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings

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