Friday 30 June 2017

Identity Changes Interpretation

I have realised that knowing our identity changes the way we interpret the Scriptures. Apostle Paul was determined and resolved to know and preach Christ and Him crucified (1 Cor 2:2). His focus was always on the finished works of the Cross, instead of the "new waves of things" and "new seasons" that God is doing. Read all his epistles and you will know his focus. He was sold out for who Christ is and who we are because of Him - identity.

If there is only ONE thing we need to know and pursue, it has to be identity. It is knowing who Christ is and who we are, because as He is, so are we in this world. I have told some friends that I am very narrow-minded when it comes to the truth on identity. But if the Scriptures show me otherwise, I am willing to change my mind on that. It is the good fight of faith, because everything in life is challenging against identity. It started when Satan deceived Eve and Adam on their identity. From then on, it has always been the same story.

Recently, I felt the Holy Spirit asking me to meditate on Ephesians 5:18. I had thought that I knew this Scripture verse pretty well until the Holy Spirit taught me otherwise. Many charismatic circles taught the same thing. I probably haven't heard anything different. Yet sometimes, what we know can keep us from what we need to do.

Eph 5:18 - And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit...

We were taught that we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit over and over again. Some said that the infilling of the Holy Spirit will leak in our lives, therefore, we need to be filled again. But this contradicts what Jesus said in John 3:34 where God does not give the Spirit by measure and He has come to abide forever (John 14:16; 1 John 2:27). The Holy Spirit doesn't leak.

Yet the charismatic circles tell us to receive 'baptism of the Holy Spirit' over and over again. They don't use the word 'baptism of the Holy Spirit' to be exact. They say, "Get filled again. Come and receive again. Come and be prayed for again. Ask God to touch you and fill you with more again." They specifically use Eph 5:18 to prove that point. I used to think that way too.

Another verse that is commonly used to justify this type of "filling of the Spirit" is Acts 4:31. "Oh the disciples were already filled in the Spirit in Acts 2:4. But now they are filled again, you know?" Well, only 120 disciples received baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:4. In chapter 4, there were new believers being added.

Acts 4:3-4 - And they laid hands on them, and put them in custody until the next day, for it was already evening. However, many of those who heard the word believed; and the number of the men came to be about five thousand.

New believers were added and the total number became 5000. But Peter and John were arrested. They probably hadn't had a chance to pray for the new believers to be baptised in the Holy Spirit.

Could it be that in Acts 4:31, it was the REST of the believers who received the filling of the Holy Spirit? I believe so.

Note: In fact, in Acts 2:4 and Acts 4:31 - the Greek word used for "filled" is different from the Greek word used in Ephesians 5:18. Each time when it talks about baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts, the word used for "filled" is "pimplemi". Even Paul's own baptism of the Spirit (Acts 9:17) uses the word "pimplemi"  But in Ephesians 5:18, the word used for "filled" is "pleroo", which means "to fill, to diffuse through one's soul: with everything which God wills."

Paul is clear that there is fruit produced for Ephesians 5:18. Yet majority of the time, there is no fruit produced after people get "filled by the Spirit over and over again" according to the charismatic type of interpretation. People keep getting touched without transformation. The truth is... nowhere in the epistles did Paul talk about this type of "filling of the Holy Spirit" for fruit bearing, except Ephesians 5:18. Hence, it is important to know what Ephesians 5:18 really means.

Paul talked about the fruit of "be filled with the Spirit" after Ephesians 5:18. "...speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God." - Eph 5:19-21

It speaks of a transformed life. The same writer wrote in Romans 12:2 that transformation depends on mind renewal to the truth. It is in line with what Jesus said in John 8:31-32 - "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Even 2 Corinthians 3:18 is not talking about "filling of the Spirit". It is referring to New Covenant glory and truth - that transforms you.

Let me submit to us that what Paul really meant in Eph 5:18 is not, "get touched and filled by the Holy Spirit again and again and again." Because we have already received the fullness of the Spirit.

What could Paul be referring to?

Ephesians Chapter 4 & 5 are Paul's instructions on walking out the Christian life. They are very practical. Paul already spoke of what Christ did and what we have in Christ in Chapter 1-3. Now in Chapter 5, he talked about living out the Christian life. The word "BE filled" is an active, instead of passive thing. "BE holy", "BE perfect", etc. In other words, "Because you are filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, now BE filled... WALK in that fullness."

The Living Bible translates it as, "be filled instead with the Holy Spirit and controlled by Him." In other words, "be yielded to the Holy Spirit."

It is similar to Galatians 5:16 where Paul said, "Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh."

Gal 5:19-21 - Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, DRUNKENNESS... (emphasis added)

Compare Galatians 5 with Ephesians 5:18.

Ephesians 5:18 - And do not BE DRUNK with wine, in which is dissipation; but BE FILLED with the Spirit... (emphasis added)

In other words, do not walk in the works of the flesh (do not be drunk with wine), but walk in the Spirit (be filled or be yielded to Him) - for it produces fruit!

Last but not least, the same writer, Paul said in Colossians 3:16-17

"Let the WORD OF CHRIST DWELL IN YOU richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (emphasis added)

Take a look at Ephesians 5:18-21 - "And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God." (emphasis added)

Be filled with the Spirit = Let the Word of Christ dwell in you.

To put it simply, Ephesians 5:18 is talking about "be yielded to the Spirit (which is also the Word), walk in the fullness of the Spirit, abide in the Word". It has nothing to do with "Oh come and get filled and touched by the Spirit again and again and again."

John 8:31-32 - "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

It's about knowing our identity - what we have already received. We are a brand new creation with a brand new nature. It's about renewing our mind to that truth. So now we don't ask for MORE of the filling of the Spirit. Because God has already poured out the fullness of the Spirit in us. Now we yield ourselves MORE to Him - the NEW MAN in us. It's letting Christ LIVE through us (Gal 2:20). That bears fruit. #identity


Tuesday 27 June 2017

Warring Against Sickness Or Warring For The Kingdom

While we forcefully advance the kingdom of God, there is another kingdom that wars against us to prevent the kingdom from advancing. The fight is never personal. The fight is always about the kingdom. The enemy is not against you, because if God is for you, who can be against you? The enemy is against the One in you. You have died and now Christ lives in and through you. The enemy is against the kingdom within you. If he can stop you, he can stop the kingdom from advancing.

Yet if we take this war personal, we will not be able to stand and endure. We end up in self-pity and self-focused. That disarms our kingdom weapon and allows the enemy to steal, kill and destroy.

If we know that this war is against the kingdom of God, we will be kingdom-focused and Christ-focused. Our kingdom weapon becomes the shield of faith we take to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

On the day when I was going to look at the venue for a conference we are planning for, a very familiar pain suddenly came up at the left side of my pelvic area. Many years ago, I was healed from an incurable, autoimmune disease. Now the symptom felt exactly the same.

But I have warred this through and is familiar with what the enemy does. This time, it is way too obvious. If I were to take it personal, I would be in trouble. 

I told no one about the pain. Telling everyone and getting them to pray for me will only prove that I am fearful of what is happening. The enemy can't get me because I am keeping my mouth shut. I have long rested my case. It is finished.

But my wife caught it. You just can't escape from your closest one. She saw me walking with difficulty. She said, "Your back... The devil is obviously not happy with what you are doing." She knew it well. As a wife, she naturally loves me. So she kept asking periodically to see if I was doing fine and if I needed to go home and rest.

I replied, "Don't worry. And don't exalt the enemy. He has nothing new. He has nothing against me. He can do nothing because I'm not going to bother about it. I have been healed. This thing has to go."

I'm not trying to be healed. I was already healed and I am still healed. It's a position of identity and I refuse to let what I am going through change what He has gone through. It's about standing and keeping the armour on.

In 2 days, the pain and the symptom left me. It only proves one thing - the fight is real. But it is not personal. It is a war between two kingdoms.

Don't let what happens to you become personal. Let what happened to Christ become personal. When that is in place, the fight is over because Jesus' works were finished on the Cross. #identity #kingdom #war #healed

Saturday 24 June 2017

Dream - Curry Blake & Gordon Lindsay

Last night, I had a vivid dream about Curry Blake and Lindsay Gordon. I was in a meeting with the two of them talking about divine healing.

We talked about John G Lake and I mentioned that while John had amazing revelations of divine healing, he was operating with a mixture of New & Old Covenant. I said that Curry Blake had the clear understanding of the New Covenant.

Lindsay Gordon, however, argued his point. Now I have never heard Gordon's messages before. I have never read his books before. He died before I was even born into this world. To have a dream about him is really interesting. Because I have never once thought about this name when I'm awake.

What's even more interesting is that I found out (this morning from internet) that Lindsay Gordon actually travelled with John G Lake and learnt under John. This is similar to Curry Blake, but Curry learnt from John's healing manuals and tapes. Amazing!

I woke up asking God for the interpretation of this dream and He said, "Study them on Divine Healing. But Gordon did have a mixture of New & Old Covenant. So discern carefully."

Well, I don't usually like to study or follow men of God. I prefer to stick to Jesus and study His Word. But I know that God is showing me that while I do the important (Jesus and His Word), I can still learn from Curry and Gordon.

This morning, I read what Gordon said. While I don't agree with some parts (I removed from the text), the followings are pretty biblical and they are what I stood for and believe. It's about identity healing.

Divine Healing

"The natural man is a creature of his senses. If he still sees or feels the symptoms of an affliction, he insists on believing what his senses tell him, rather than what God’s word has said. Faith, by contrast, is not influenced by what the eye sees, and indeed is indifferent to it. It is not a creature of the senses but draws its strength from the immutability of God’s word. If this were not the nature of faith, no such thing as faith would be necessary. Why should faith be needed for that which already exists, and the eye sees it and the hand feels it?

The moment a man believes for his physical deliverance, he receives it as far as God is concerned. “Whatsoever ye desire when ye pray, believe ye receive and ye shall have.” (Mark 11:24). Therefore if temptation comes, and one yields to the symptoms, he does the very thing the devil wants him to do. He does exactly as an erring new convert who, under temptation gives way to the enemy’s suggestion that he never was really saved. So is the man who believes for healing, then doubts and afterward declares he didn’t get his healing.

The truth is that the majority of people who come for healing are healed so far as God is concerned. The real problem is to keep these people from unbelief and from skepticism, and all those who are slaves to their sense knowledge. At this time as at no other it is important to keep these people under the word of God and from association with unbelievers. The problem is identically the same as a pastor experiences when a large group of converts accept Christ. How he labours with these people, giving them loving attention, and feeding them with the sincere milk of the word. It he did not, in many cases they would fall by the wayside. Satan tempted Christ and said, “It thou be the son of God …” He tempts the sinner who has been truly saved. 

He will tempt every person who has been healed. But while the young convert is encouraged to resist temptation and the devil, and to look away to Christ, the person who is healed will all too often be given suggestions by friend or foe, by the weak and the well, by the preacher and the pew, to not be too sure of his healing, and to be on the alert for the return of his old affliction." - Lindsay Gordon (1906-1973)

Friday 23 June 2017

Raise The Dead

God: It's alright. He wants to go. Don't let him suffer anymore. When he dies, he's with Me forever.

God: Raise the dead.

Which voice is from God? Which voice is Satan?

We got to be very careful whose voice we are heeding. Only truth in the Word reveals.

Whose Voice?

Whose Voice?

The wiles of the enemy are to persuade us to stand down and remove our armour, so that he can steal, kill and destroy. (Ephesians 6:11)

Adam & Eve never knew there was Satan apart from God in the Garden. The voice of Satan is exactly the same voice as God in the Garden. You can't tell the difference by what you think, feel and sense. The only way to disarm that voice is not the Word, because Satan can use the Word just like he did with Jesus in the wilderness.

The only way to disarm that voice is to know the truth in the Word. Because when you know the truth, the truth makes you free. (John 8:32)

P.S: And yes, generational curses and death because of God's sovereignty are the voice of Satan. And he sure knows Scriptures.

Laying On Of Hands

Laying On Of Hands

Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. - 2 Tim 1:6-7

The gift of God is often thought of as a specific spiritual gift being imparted through the laying on of hands. This is one of the verses people deduce about impartation. Actually, verse 7 itself explains what the gift of God really is. "For God has not given us a SPIRIT..."

The gift of God, thus, is the Spirit of God - the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is THE Gift of God.

And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying, “Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” But Peter said to him, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that THE GIFT of God could be purchased with money! - Acts 8:18-20 (emphasis added)

Another verse people use to justify impartation (apart from Romans 1:11, which had been explained before) is as follows:

Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. - 1 Tim 4:4

1) The gift was given by a prophetic word

2) Laying on of the hands of the eldership pointed to commissioning of a particular office

“When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.” ...And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers. - Eph 4:8,11

The gift in Timothy that was confirmed by the prophetic word and the commissioning of the elders is known as Christ's gifts (Eph 4:11).

This is clear in 2 Timothy.

But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an EVANGELIST, fulfill your ministry. - 2 Tim 4:5 (emphasis added)

It wasn't any impartation of a specific gift. It is the confirmation of the office of an evangelist that Timothy is called by God to.

In summary, do you need people to lay hands on you? Yes and No.

Yes, if it is for the gift of the Holy Spirit - baptism of the Spirit. You can receive directly from God too.

Yes, if it is for healing (Mark 16:17-18). You can receive directly from God too.

Yes, if it is for the commissioning of an ordained ministry (1 Tim 4:4).

But no, if you talk about a specific spiritual gift, because Christ lives in you. Nobody can give to you what Christ has already given to you. #identity

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Ministering Out Of Who You Are

You can minister out of who you are, instead of what you are going through. Because you are not what you are going through. You are what Christ has gone through. #identity

Saturday 17 June 2017

Let Me Feed You

In a vision, Jesus took me to the Garden of intimacy. He fed me food to eat with a spoon. Each time when I opened my mouth, He fed me a spoonful of food. Then I asked, "What does this mean?"

He replied, "This is what I desire My people to have. I know exactly what they need. I want to feed them and nourish them directly. I want them to commune with Me and let Me empower them. I don't want them to go from one conference to another conference, one sermon message to another sermon message, one book to another book. For I, MYSELF, will feed them with the food. The enemy is most fearful when I am the One preparing the table before My people."

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies..." - Psalm 23:5

Alot of us like to go for the buffet table, because there is a widespread of food to choose from. Most of the time, we overeat and end up with stomach discomfort. We go for conferences, listen to messages and read many Christian books (instead of the Bible). The more the merrier. We end up feeding on too many kinds of teachings - third party revelations. The initial phase is so appetizing and delicious. We like it. Yet the eventual result is great spiritual discomfort, which we only realise when we are faced with the difficult circumstances.

But God desires that you and I have an individual, personal table of communion with Him. He has prepared that table of food. He is ready to feed you directly through the Word of God (Bible) - first hand revelation. Without a personal table, the enemies can cause you to feel defeated. But with that personal table, it empowers you with the personal revelation of Christ which causes the enemies to fear.

So while you are letting God spoon-feed you at the table, the enemies are crippled in your presence.

P.S: Some read the Word with commentaries; some read the Word with concordance; some read the Word with Christian books and teachings; but let's read the Word with the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday 14 June 2017


"John G Lake trained others how to minister healing and called them "practitioners". Lake sent out his practitioners to make house calls. 

He told them, "Don't come back until they are healed."

This kind of boldness startles people today. They think, "How could you do that? You don't have control over this. You don't have that kind of authority. You don't have any responsibility. Just go out and ask God to heal them. It's all up to God. 


John G Lake knew that God had already done His part to provide healing and that it's our turn now to take our authority and use it. The longest time any of those practitioners stayed out ministering was about thirty days." 
- Andrew Wommack

It is interesting when we are secretly thankful on the inside, and we give ourselves a pat when we minister healings and see results. But when we minister and don't see results, we think, "Not our responsibility, man... It's all up to God."

I'm so glad John G Lake had a clear revelation on this when it comes to healing. He TOOK responsibility. "Don't come back until they are healed." That's how serious he was.

Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 17:17 when they failed to heal the demon-possessed boy, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.”

In other words, "You guys have distorted (perverse) the plan and purpose of God - which is to HEAL ALL. You had all powers given to you (Luke 9:1, Matthew 10:1), but you couldn't do it because of your unbelief (Matthew 17:20)." I do believe that Jesus was gentle even in His rebuke. For He is Love.

Today, in order to build a strawberry Christian generation, we compromise on the truth in order not to discourage anyone. Back in John G Lake's time, he stood on truth and he taught his ministers truth. They were relentless. They were unwavering. They took responsibility and went for it. This is why we haven't seen the consistent results John G Lake had in our generation.

It's time we get serious.

Monday 12 June 2017

Identity Moves Mountains

So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and NOTHING will be impossible for you." - Matt 17:20

Apparently, NOTHING will be impossible for us, if we simply believe (from the heart). There is absolutely no hindrance to healing, except unbelief.

Not the unbelief of the sick. Because Jesus was speaking to His disciples who were supposed to heal the sick. The sick has zero involvement in receiving healing.

Jesus was addressing the unbelief (from the heart) of the disciples. For "these signs - healings shall follow THOSE WHO BELIEVE..." (Mark 16:17). If the signs - healings do not follow you, it has to do with your believing.

Romans 12:2 says "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may PROVE what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." The renewal of mind results in believing (from the heart). The PROOF of you believing is not when you say or think that you believe. The PROOF of you believing is by the manifestation of His good, acceptable and perfect will - healing. The PROOF of you believing is when you say to the mountain and it MOVES (Matt 17:20).

It is easy to tell people to "simply believe" but they can't believe unless they know what to believe.

Before Romans 12:2, there is Romans 12:1.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service."

A sacrifice has to be dead. Else it is not a sacrifice. The reason why you can be a living sacrifice is because Christ, the perfect Sacrifice gave Himself up out of perfect Love, and now He lives IN you, which makes you a living sacrifice. You have died and now Christ lives in you (Gal 2:20). 

Only when you see yourself as the Father sees Christ will you be renewed in your mind. Else you will always be conformed to this world. Only when you see your true identity will you grow in true belief.

In the Old Covenant, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. In the New Covenant, as the Father thinks, so are you.

When you believe (from the heart) in who the Father says you are, you will manifest what Christ manifests - the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. And the mountain will MOVE. #identity

Friday 9 June 2017

Your Life Is An Outreach - 7 Encounters In A Day

Barista at Huggs cafe was healed of his neck through word of knowledge. Then God spoke and we asked, "You know Adrian?" He went, "Which Adrian?" We said, "Adrian Tan." He said, "Yeah." We then prophesied about his friend. He was surprised and asked, "Are you a Christian?" We said, "Yes." He responded, "I haven't gone to church for quite a while." We shared God's heart with him and he was blessed, touched and likely going back to church.

Then we went to Jimmy Monkey to buy beans. The barista said, "I was just talking to one of the staff about you today and you actually showed up. Because I have pain on my arm." Ministered and he was completely healed. He went, "F**king amazing! Really!" The Caucasian lady sitting beside saw what happened and requested for healing for her left shoulder. She was healed and went, "This is amazing! God bless you!"

We went into a Korean restaurant and as the waiter served us, God spoke and we asked, "You have problem with your left knee?" He went, "Oh yes. I met an accident some time ago." We ministered healing and he felt tingling, but couldn't verify as he didn't have pain at that point. As we were making payment, God spoke and we asked the cashier, "Do you have a problem with your left wrist?" She said, "Yes", and pointed to a small plaster on the side of her left wrist. It's rheumatism. She asked, "Which church are you from?" We said, "NCC." She replied, "Ok. I think it's ok. No need to heal me." (Maybe NCC is cultic to her LOL). We released healing anyway, because you don't need permission to heal.

We took a $1.70 Uber car to J's ex-nanny's place due to her birthday. God spoke and we asked, "Did you fracture your arm before?" Driver said, "Yes. My left arm. But now I have numbness on my right arm." We ministered and the numbness left him totally. Then we asked, "How about your fractured arm?" He shared that his fractured arm would experience pain only during rainy days. We ministered healing anyway.

Then we took another $2 Uber. God spoke and we asked, "Uncle, you have pain on your right shoulder?" He said, "How do you know?" We ministered and he felt heat and was healed. Jesus!!!

Sharing all these encounters in a day as a daily lifestyle, because we don't have to intentionally go for an outreach event or activity. We don't even have to intentionally seek out someone to bless. We don't need to find someone to get a testimony and clock another number or record. Jesus Himself IS our testimony. While living our everyday lives, we will definitely meet people. That's when your life IS an outreach, because we are not called to do witnessing. We are called to BE His witnesses. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #yourlifeisanoutreach

Thursday 8 June 2017

AMKMC Youths

Yesterday, I was invited to equip AMKMC youths on outreach. Some team members from Xperiential came with me to lead different groups.

Youths started to minister in word of knowledge and healing for the first time after they were taught on their identity in Christ. They went out into the streets and ministered to people using cards. People were healed as they simply held the cards.

A 11-year old girl ministered word of knowledge to a Chinese man and he received complete healing. She then led the man to receive Jesus into his life. Come on Jesus! So good. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #youths

Cashier At Buzz Kiosk Born Again

Was thirsty, thus decided to get a drink at the Buzz kiosk. While making payment, God spoke and we asked, "You have pain on your right knee?" The cashier said, "Yes." As we stood at the counter, she was completely healed.

Then God spoke and we asked, "Do you know Ganesh?" She said, "He's my friend." We continued, "Is he going through a tough issue?" Her eyes were wide open. We added, "We saw him wearing a watch and selling it." She said, "He's in a deep financial debt. He's even running away from loansharks."

We prayed for her friend and shared Jesus with her. She received Jesus into her life! She was then baptised in the Holy Spirit. She felt the whole "envelope" of God's presence coming down into her body. God has taken up residence in a new temple. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #salvation

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Kidney Healed Through Video Call

My family and I were at a hotel in Malaysia some time ago where the hotel staff queued for their turn to receive healings. About 8-9 of the staff were healed.

Two of them got my contact number. One of the guy's mother had kidney problem and doctor told her to go for kidney dialysis. We ministered via video call and now she is healed. No more dialysis required because Jesus has given her new diagnosis - health. Jesus!


Sunday 4 June 2017

Born Again At Immigration Queue

While queuing at immigration for passport to be stamped, God spoke to us about the person queuing behind us - back of the neck. We turned around to look at who the person was, because God spoke before we saw her.

The back of her neck received complete healing. Then God spoke again about her left shoulder and she was healed. She requested to be ministered for her thyroid issue, which didn't have a relapse at that point.

We shared Jesus with her and she received Jesus into her life right in the immigration queue, and was baptised in the Holy Spirit. Come on Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #salvation

Not Psychological

Some say that if we tell people we do healing, it causes them to prepare to receive psychologically and thus, they are healed.

We spoke to two cashiers today on separate occasions. One was at Old Town cafe. The other was at an underwear shop. We asked if they had pain on their left knee and left shoulder respectively.

Without telling them what we intended to do, we simply stood there either pointing to the knee or doing nothing to the shoulder. One felt tingling and the other felt nothing. But both were completely healed anyway.

It is nothing psychological because we did not say anything to prepare them about healing. At the same time, if they didn't know what was going to happen, then healing has nothing to do with the recipient - whether they believe or not. Because according to Mark 16:17-18, these signs follow the one ministering (believing). So stop pointing finger at the recipient when you don't see healing. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings

Saturday 3 June 2017

Seafood Dinner At Malacca

After we were done with our dinner, a M lady approached us and asked if we wanted to have seafood at her stall number 8. We told her that we had just finished. She said, "No worries. Come to my stall next time."

We said, "You have a problem with your right ankle." She said, "No." Then she nodded, "Actually yes." As we stood there talking to her, she felt tingling on her right ankle. Then we asked, "Is your father still alive?" She replied, "No." We continued, "Then it should be your father-in-law. He has a heart problem, right?" She responded, "Oh yes. He has a heart problem resulting in mild stroke." We prayed for her father-in-law in proxy. Then we asked her to test out her right ankle. She exclaimed, "It's 100% okay now! Thank you so much!" 

If our life IS an outreach, location and timing don't matter. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings

Killing Religious Sacred Cows Part 5

Might be stoned for this... but fasting is probably one of the most misunderstood spiritual disciplines in the kingdom.

I started fasting when I came to Christ in 2006 but I only began a serious lifestyle of fasting in 2009. Yet I fasted with all kinds of wrong motives, until God revealed the New Covenant truth to me on fasting.

Wrong motives on fasting:
1) God will answer my prayers
2) God will move as I fast and pray
3) God will give me greater breakthroughs in my life
4) God will give the nation I'm fasting for greater breakthroughs
5) God will cause a revival in the ministry and the nation
6) God will speak to me clearer
7) God will grant me supernatural increase

At one point, I was fasting for an extended period that I was thinking, "Man, I can actually go on even longer. I don't feel hungry at all. That will be way longer than my regular fast." 

To God, that's a zero. The entire motive to do longer destroys the whole purpose of fasting. You can have a 100-day fast with zero result, or a 1 day-fast with amazing result. The difference lies in the motive.

If you fast with a wrong motive, it's a zero. It is a waste of energy and effort. It's self-affliction without any power and purpose. It's plain dieting. It is no wonder people can fast and see no life transformation because there is no revelation on fasting.
The more I fast and pray, the more I realise that many reasons for fasting are sacred cows (religion & traditions) to be ruthlessly killed. As far as I know, they are not mentioned in the New Covenant. Regardless of what other men or women of God say, I'm more concerned with what the Word says.

Fasting is not bending God's will to do ours. It is bending ours to do His. It doesn't bend His hand to do something. It bends ours to surrender to Him.

Fasting doesn't bring any increase in power, breakthrough or answered prayers. It doesn't even move God. Let me repeat. Fasting does not move God. It is meant to move us out of the way of hindering Him.

Fasting serves to bring us to a place of intimacy so that we become conscious of His presence and power which we ALREADY have in Christ that we can walk in. You don't need fasting for intimacy. But the only one reason for fasting is intimacy.

Do you have to fast? The answer is no. Mark 2:18-20 is clear.

"As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast." Jesus was WITH them, so they didn't need to fast. But Jesus would go to the Cross, and the disciples would have to fast (mourn). After Jesus resurrected, He gave His disciples the Holy Spirit. This is the promise of God, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." Where is the Bridegroom now? He is IN us and WITH us.

This destroys the religious sacred cow of the obligation to fast. Whether you fast or not, it is the fruit that counts. It is all about life transformation. It is about becoming Him who is love.

I have been living a lifestyle of fasting until I learnt what it means to live a fasted life. A fasted life can be summarised in Galatians 2:20.

Galatians 2:20 - I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. And the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

P.S: It's better to live a fasted life, than a life with fasting.

Disclaimer: This post is not to stop anyone from fasting. I still do. But only for one reason - intimacy. Other reasons are pure sacred cows. #killsacredcows

Cafe At Malacca

Entered a cafe in Malacca. While talking to the barista, God spoke to us about his right wrist. We ministered and he was very surprised as he was completely healed. Then God spoke and we asked, "Is Alan someone close to you?" He replied, "Alan is my father." We added, "He has some digestive issue with his stomach, right?" He responded, "He doesn't watch his diet, so he may have this problem, together with high blood pressure." We ministered in proxy and shared with him about Jesus.

We are not going from one outreach event to another outreach event. Our life IS an outreach because it's a lifestyle. Jesus!

He shared with me some tips on coffee extraction. Like me, he likes double Ristretto, so he extracts the coffee ground based on this. This is yet another barista who agreed that Melbourne probably has the best coffee. I must visit Melbourne one day. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings

Thursday 1 June 2017

Word of Knowledge - Bus Number

Lately, I have been getting word of knowledge on buses. When I stepped into the bus interchange, God would speak to me on which bus number would come first.

Earlier, God spoke when I stepped into the bus interchange. So I went straight to queue at bus 83. Indeed, it came. Jesus is so good!

Xperiential May Outreach

Not in picture: About another 15-17 pax, as they left early.

This was probably the largest turnout with 30 over pax in a single outreach. However, as it was raining cats and dogs, there wasn't much crowd as compared to the last outreach. In fact, it was the first time it ever rained during outreach.

We released healing through Xperiential name cards. So many were healed simply by holding the cards. Shoulders, knees, headache, foot, toes, ankles, neck, back, lower back, hamstrings, abdomen, back of knees, etc --- all healed.

A few of the testimonies are as follows:

One lady testified to her friends that she was healed by holding the card. Those friends who were at a distance away came back and requested for the cards. They asked, "How much does the card cost?" We said, "It's free." As they were holding the cards, some felt tingling, some felt warm sensation, some felt something they couldn't explain. After they were healed, they asked, "How long can this card work? Is my healing permanent?" The facial expressions and "shocked" looks were priceless.

A Singaporean guy held the card and he said, "The pain is slowly easing off... This is weird."

A group of four told us that they had back issues, pain at the back of both knees, leg issue and pain at the side of abdomen. We distributed the cards at one go. They held the cards and were all healed around the same time. Three of them gave their lives to Jesus and one of them was baptised in the Holy Spirit. Jesus!

One lady from Iran was healed of her shoulder problem by holding the card. Praying that this card will lead her to the One who loves her deeply.

Stay tuned for more testimonies at Xperiential Facebook Page. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #cardhealings #salvation #xperiential