Friday 24 June 2016

Off The Wheelchair

This M lady was sitting on the wheelchair as I was walking to my client's home. She had severe water retention in her legs and her heart. As a result, she couldn't walk. On top of that, she had asthma; thus, she couldn't breathe like normal person without feeling choked in her lungs.

As Jesus touched her, she felt her legs vibrating. She kept asking, "Why is this happening?" Jesus also set her heart on fire (literally). I said, "Your lungs shall be heated too." And she suddenly felt her lungs burning.

When she tested out her body, she could take deep breathe many times without feeling choked. She stood up with assistance at the beginning and started walking by herself. She said she couldn't walk like this for the past three months since she had heart and legs' issues. Jesus! 

Shared Jesus with her and she was very open to listen. This is the period of M fast. As believers, it's the right time to show up to bless the M with our words and our hands. For believers shall lay hand on the sick and they shall recover. It's not for the special evangelist or anointed man of God. It's for every believer.

To the unbelieving, no proof is possible. To the believing, all things are possible.

P.S: The way I prayed is the same way I pray for a neck ache. Didn't feel any anointing. Didn't feel any single thing. Because the mind of Christ sees every problem at the same level: Jesus paid for it. So I'm just there to collect the payment.


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