Wednesday 15 June 2016

Healing Is Simple

WARNING: Reading this post will set you free from the methods of healing the sick and gives you freedom that you might have never thought before.

"But the most sobering realization I had was that all this time, I had been praying to the wrong god. The god I was seeking may have been the right one by name and association with Jesus, but his character was utterly different from the true God. I was approaching a god who was indifferent to human suffering, who cared less about the person in front of me than I did, who wouldn’t hear my prayers unless I found the right combination of words to unlock His favor, and who didn’t love me or the sick person enough to move unless I somehow performed to his standards. That’s the wrong god altogether; and if we’re honest, that’s the god many of us approach for healing ministry." ---- by a missionary evangelist.

This sharing above is very true. Like the evangelist, I had approached the wrong god by doing these stuff when I tried to move in healing:

1) Say the right and eloquent words to pray for healing with little or no result

2) Push power through my arm with no result

3) Imagine rivers of life flowing through my arm with little result

4) Visualize the sick healed while ministering healing with little result

5) Taking spare parts from heaven's spare part rooms with little result

6) Raise my voice to heal the sick with little or no result

7) Fasting extensively for greater breakthrough for healing but with little or no result

But the moment I realised the nature of God and rested in Jesus' perfect and finished works on the Cross without helping Him in any part, I saw healing breakthrough like I had never seen before.

God spoke to me personally on Galatians 2:20. It transforms how I do healing. Completely and totally. If I have died, there is no more effort required from me. Not even any spiritual discipline like fasting, praying, reading the Scriptures, etc can cause healing to manifest more.

It is interesting that when we lead someone to Jesus for salvation, we don't first fast, pray or read the Scriptures SO THAT salvation can take place. We simply trust Jesus to take care of the person's salvation. But when it comes to healing, all sacred cows start to manifest. "Oh I got to pray longer. Oh I got to fast for extended period to see breakthroughs for healing. Oh I got to read more of the Word." These are human efforts that we put in to help God do what He has already done 2000 years ago. We think salvation is simple but healing is of a different level. Well, salvation of our spirit actually demands the death of Jesus. It is a "GREATER" miracle than the healing of our body.

READ: Someone told me that in order to be "qualified" to serve in healing ministry in her church, she has to be active in church for two years. Well, if there is no salvation ministry in the church because leading someone to Christ is supposed to be every believer's responsibility, guess what happens to healing and deliverance ministry? It's time to empower every believer to do the same as leading someone to salvation. Don't make healing and deliverance more difficult than salvation. It has hindered many believers (including me) from walking out the Gospel truth. This is part of the reasons why more and more believers are walking out of church organisations to fellowship in small/home groups where they are empowered to walk like Jesus. Soakability Church, in my personal opinion, is a great place for you to walk out your true identity in Christ. In that place, everyone is allowed to participate in everything. There is no separation. There is a culture of honour - honour every believer as sons and daughters of God.

Disclaimer: I'm not encouraging you to leave your present church. I'm only suggesting Soakability Church, if you are still looking for a church to attend.

When the people asked Jesus how they could do the miracles that Jesus did, Jesus answered, "This is the work of God: to BELIEVE in the One He has sent." (John 6:29)

Jesus didn't say, "First, fast. Then, pray. Then, read the Word. Then be good and holy. Then you can try and miracles may happen." (Pardon my singlish)

READ: I wonder how many Christians will fast, pray, read the Word and be holy IF they are not involved in any kind of ministry whatsoever.

In a nutshell, I understood one thing. Healing is as simple as Jesus did in the Gospel. "You shall lay hand on the sick and the sick will recover."

Jesus didn't say, "You shall lay hand on the sick and imagine/visualize/take spare parts/raise your voice/push power through your arm/let rivers flow..... and the list goes on..." These are what we have added in because of our and others' successful experiences. We try to model that. We try to copy what works. But at one point, we need a personal revelation of who Jesus is - that cannot be copied.

Let's not add to the simple instruction found in the Scriptures. Keep it simple and simplicity is POWER.

P.S: I am not writing this for any intention of argument. Do what works for you. I'm keeping the Gospel simple because it is simple.

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