Thursday 9 June 2016

New Covenant VS Old

Many are still living in Old Covenant mindset. New Covenant does not mix with the Old. New wine cannot be poured into old wineskins.

Old VS New:

1) Repent to be forgiven VS Repent because you are already forgiven

2) Obedience for blessings VS Righteousness for blessings

3) Do right = righteous VS Believe right = righteous

4) Fasting for breakthroughs VS Resting in Christ's finished works for breakthroughs

5) Praying for open heaven VS heaven is already opened by Christ

6) Generation curses VS Redeemed from all curses

7) Following His presence VS Carrying His presence

8) Waiting for God to move VS God waiting for us to move

9) Asking God for anointing VS anointing is already in us

10) Be humble as a servant VS Be humble as a son

11) Praying for revival VS revival is in us

12) Praying for blessings VS Having every spiritual blessing in Christ

13) Praying for God's favour VS Believing that His favour is already upon us

14) Praying for an acceptable year of the Lord VS Walking in full acceptance in the Beloved

15) Struggling against sinful flesh VS Dead in the flesh but alive to God

16) Sinner VS Saint

17) Sinful nature VS Divine nature

Man, the list just keeps going on. If we believe wrongly about our new identity, we will walk contrary to it. 

The Bible says, "According to your faith, it will be done." If you believe that you need to do something before things happen, you will need to do that thing before things happen. If you believe that you can simply believe in Christ for things to happen, it will happen according to that belief.

Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. But somehow we like to carry heavy yoke and heavy burden.

Years ago, I mixed New and Old in my life due to different kinds of teachings I received. But Scriptures tell us in Hebrews 5 that righteousness is solid food for the mature. I always wondered why. When I understood righteousness for the first time, every lie and half-truth (which is still a lie) is destroyed. Righteousness is the core foundation of our Christian life. Righteousness is the key to discern between good and evil (especially the teachings we listen to).

Righteousness is what our new identity is made of. You won't go back to the Old once you understand the New.

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