Monday 20 June 2016

Let Scriptures Be Scriptures

"These signs WILL follow those who believe: ...they WILL lay hands on the sick and the sick WILL recover."

It is easy to lay hand on the sick and when they don't get healed, we say, "Oh it's not God's will... Oh I don't have the gift of healing, so let others do it... Because you don't have enough faith... Oh it's a mystery that I have no answer."

It is harder to acknowledge that God is good and it is always His will to heal; healing is not only for the gifted, but it is the believer's identity. And I need to grow more when the sick doesn't get healed.

We don't like to be the issue of what is not resolved. So we rather put the responsibility on others and God instead of ourselves.

Let's not complicate it.

Jesus healed every sickness and disease. He was living as a Man relying on God. There was not once when He laid hand on someone and said, "It's not God's will, bro... You don't have enough faith, bro... It's a mystery, bro." You can't find it in Scriptures, because it is not Scriptural.

But when the disciples couldn't cast out the demon and heal the boy, Jesus said, "Because of your unbelief..." (Matt 17:20) He was referring to the disciples who were supposed to heal the sick.

Let Scriptures be Scriptures and we just need to keep growing.

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