Monday 6 June 2016

Healing With Tissue

The last time I used tissue to heal the sick was for my wife. I was inspired by Jeff Yuen when he passed me a healing tissue for my son.

He inspired me again with his tissue testimony. Today, while sitting at Mac Donald waiting for a friend, I passed a tissue to a youth who sat next to my table. He had right knee injury due to football. When I passed him the tissue, he didn't know what it was for. So it was not a psychological healing. I only said, "Put at your right knee." He was healed after placing the tissue there for a few seconds. He squatted without pain and wondered how this could happen. Managed to share Jesus with him and his two friends. Two Catholics and one Buddhist. One of them asked how I encountered Jesus and I shared my conversion story with them. Young people don't want religious, churchy stuff. They are seeking for the real deal found in Christ alone.

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