Saturday 25 June 2016

Gospel In Simplicity

We saw many healings and three salvations during episode 1 of Spidey Outreach. Don't stay tuned for episode 2. Start your episode 1 or join us for episode 2. Let's get moving.

Depending on individual's conviction, I prefer to share the Gospel before inviting the person to receive Jesus into his life. Some may simply say this after healing took place, "Would you like this Jesus who healed you to live inside of you?" And they immediately lead them with salvation prayer. 

I'm not really comfortable with that personally. Because I desire the person to hear out the Gospel and make an informed decision, especially for certain religions - because they may just add Jesus as one more god into their list. By hastily leading the person to salvation, he may simply do it out of a moment of zeal and amazement.

Apostle Peter and Paul always preached the Gospel holistically (Acts 2, 13, 17, 26).

This is what Spidey shared with the people during our Spidey outreach episode 1. Hope it's a helpful tool for anyone who is reaching the lost in the streets.

After receiving healing, Spidey would say, "Jesus loves you. He is the One who healed you. Have you heard of Jesus before?"

The person may say "Yes" or "No". Spidey will continue as long as he is not a believer.

"Jesus is not a religion. In religion, it's about doing. Do good, get good. Do bad, get bad. In Christianity, it's not about doing. It's done. Jesus has done everything on the Cross 2000 years ago. He paid for all our sins, so that all the bad things and the mistakes we have done can be wiped away and we can start a brand new life. He paid for our sicknesses and diseases, so that you can receive healing and health like what you just experienced. He paid for us to live an abundant life on earth and eternal life in heaven.

In religion, it's about men trying to get close to God through our good works/deeds and good moral behaviours. But in Christianity, God is the One to get close to us. We did not seek Him. He is the One seeking us by coming down from heaven 2000 years ago to live as a perfect man without sin. He identified with our lives, suffered, died on the Cross and rose on the third day so that we can be reconciled back to God our Father. We were separated because of sin. But now we can be reconciled to Him through the Cross. We can have a relationship with Him. He speaks to us. He guides us and leads us. He gives us peace and joy in our heart. Would you like to know this Jesus that I talked about?"

When the person says "Yes", Spidey goes... 

"Receiving Jesus is as easy as ABC.
A - Acknowledge that you (sinner) are in need of Him
B - Believe that Jesus is the ONLY God. He died on the Cross and rose on the third day.
C - Confess that Jesus is your Lord and Saviour

Are you ready?"

When the person says, "Yes", Spidey leads him with salvation prayer. 

Note: He doesn't need to pray salvation prayer to be saved. Not in Scriptures. But this is to help him have a defining moment in his heart where he remembers giving his life to the Lord.

Spidey says, "It's not so much about what you say. It's about what you believe in your heart when you say it."

After salvation prayer, pray for him to be baptised by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, I forget. But this is important. You don't want them to live a powerless Christian life.

After that, Spidey welcomes him into the family by doing a Roman's handshake.

"The Romans do it this way (hold his hand via Roman's handshake). At times, you may forget who God is. You may even get distracted by various things in your life. But remember, even if you let go of your hand (grab his hand away from the handshake), God says, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"

"Now you can..."
1) Pray: Prayer is simply talking to God. Talk to God as though you talk to a friend. Pour out your heart to Him.
2) Attend a church and be among Christians
3) Get a bible from the church. Start reading from the Gospel of John. The Bible reveals the love of God and His heart for you.

This can all be done within 5-10 minutes. Why do I think this is important? It may be our first and last meeting with the person. We give him practical handles so that there is at least some follow-up. Following up with a gospel tract/new birth booklet/phone call helps too.

P.S: This is not a method to follow. There are always different variations. The point is to internalise the Gospel and share it in the way you are comfortable with. Be you when you present the Gospel and represent the King. #lifestylechristianity101 #Gospelinsimplicty

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