Thursday 30 June 2016

Daily - Healings & Word of Knowledge

Healings are breaking out daily through word of knowledge...

It's a lifestyle. The Holy Spirit never shuts down. He wants to come out of us.

I'm just collecting the payment. Jesus paid the full price.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Spidey Solo Outreach

Spider-Man solo

Many healings and one salvation!

This Malaysian lady was healed. Her Christian friend was healed too. And she gave her life to Jesus! She was baptized with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues right on the spot. When asked how she felt, she said there was peace that could not be explained in words. Praise Jesus! Heaven is rejoicing over her!

As Spidey was heading home, he met a young Singaporean guy sitting on the wheelchair. He suffered from multiple sclerosis for many years. He couldn't walk for more than 10 years. As Spidey prayed, the guy felt strong vibrations all over his body. He got up of the wheelchair, started walking first with assistance before walking all by himself! As he was walking, he said, "I'm still feeling all the vibrations. My knees were very weak but now they are very light." Jesus! As he is a M, he believes in Jesus as a healer.

Jesus is so good!

All believers can do the same. Let's return to book of Acts.

#lifestylechristianity101 #spideyoutreach #Gospel #salvation #healing #bookofActs #walkfromwheelchair #Singapore

Saturday 25 June 2016

Gospel In Simplicity

We saw many healings and three salvations during episode 1 of Spidey Outreach. Don't stay tuned for episode 2. Start your episode 1 or join us for episode 2. Let's get moving.

Depending on individual's conviction, I prefer to share the Gospel before inviting the person to receive Jesus into his life. Some may simply say this after healing took place, "Would you like this Jesus who healed you to live inside of you?" And they immediately lead them with salvation prayer. 

I'm not really comfortable with that personally. Because I desire the person to hear out the Gospel and make an informed decision, especially for certain religions - because they may just add Jesus as one more god into their list. By hastily leading the person to salvation, he may simply do it out of a moment of zeal and amazement.

Apostle Peter and Paul always preached the Gospel holistically (Acts 2, 13, 17, 26).

This is what Spidey shared with the people during our Spidey outreach episode 1. Hope it's a helpful tool for anyone who is reaching the lost in the streets.

After receiving healing, Spidey would say, "Jesus loves you. He is the One who healed you. Have you heard of Jesus before?"

The person may say "Yes" or "No". Spidey will continue as long as he is not a believer.

"Jesus is not a religion. In religion, it's about doing. Do good, get good. Do bad, get bad. In Christianity, it's not about doing. It's done. Jesus has done everything on the Cross 2000 years ago. He paid for all our sins, so that all the bad things and the mistakes we have done can be wiped away and we can start a brand new life. He paid for our sicknesses and diseases, so that you can receive healing and health like what you just experienced. He paid for us to live an abundant life on earth and eternal life in heaven.

In religion, it's about men trying to get close to God through our good works/deeds and good moral behaviours. But in Christianity, God is the One to get close to us. We did not seek Him. He is the One seeking us by coming down from heaven 2000 years ago to live as a perfect man without sin. He identified with our lives, suffered, died on the Cross and rose on the third day so that we can be reconciled back to God our Father. We were separated because of sin. But now we can be reconciled to Him through the Cross. We can have a relationship with Him. He speaks to us. He guides us and leads us. He gives us peace and joy in our heart. Would you like to know this Jesus that I talked about?"

When the person says "Yes", Spidey goes... 

"Receiving Jesus is as easy as ABC.
A - Acknowledge that you (sinner) are in need of Him
B - Believe that Jesus is the ONLY God. He died on the Cross and rose on the third day.
C - Confess that Jesus is your Lord and Saviour

Are you ready?"

When the person says, "Yes", Spidey leads him with salvation prayer. 

Note: He doesn't need to pray salvation prayer to be saved. Not in Scriptures. But this is to help him have a defining moment in his heart where he remembers giving his life to the Lord.

Spidey says, "It's not so much about what you say. It's about what you believe in your heart when you say it."

After salvation prayer, pray for him to be baptised by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, I forget. But this is important. You don't want them to live a powerless Christian life.

After that, Spidey welcomes him into the family by doing a Roman's handshake.

"The Romans do it this way (hold his hand via Roman's handshake). At times, you may forget who God is. You may even get distracted by various things in your life. But remember, even if you let go of your hand (grab his hand away from the handshake), God says, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"

"Now you can..."
1) Pray: Prayer is simply talking to God. Talk to God as though you talk to a friend. Pour out your heart to Him.
2) Attend a church and be among Christians
3) Get a bible from the church. Start reading from the Gospel of John. The Bible reveals the love of God and His heart for you.

This can all be done within 5-10 minutes. Why do I think this is important? It may be our first and last meeting with the person. We give him practical handles so that there is at least some follow-up. Following up with a gospel tract/new birth booklet/phone call helps too.

P.S: This is not a method to follow. There are always different variations. The point is to internalise the Gospel and share it in the way you are comfortable with. Be you when you present the Gospel and represent the King. #lifestylechristianity101 #Gospelinsimplicty

Friday 24 June 2016

Off The Wheelchair

This M lady was sitting on the wheelchair as I was walking to my client's home. She had severe water retention in her legs and her heart. As a result, she couldn't walk. On top of that, she had asthma; thus, she couldn't breathe like normal person without feeling choked in her lungs.

As Jesus touched her, she felt her legs vibrating. She kept asking, "Why is this happening?" Jesus also set her heart on fire (literally). I said, "Your lungs shall be heated too." And she suddenly felt her lungs burning.

When she tested out her body, she could take deep breathe many times without feeling choked. She stood up with assistance at the beginning and started walking by herself. She said she couldn't walk like this for the past three months since she had heart and legs' issues. Jesus! 

Shared Jesus with her and she was very open to listen. This is the period of M fast. As believers, it's the right time to show up to bless the M with our words and our hands. For believers shall lay hand on the sick and they shall recover. It's not for the special evangelist or anointed man of God. It's for every believer.

To the unbelieving, no proof is possible. To the believing, all things are possible.

P.S: The way I prayed is the same way I pray for a neck ache. Didn't feel any anointing. Didn't feel any single thing. Because the mind of Christ sees every problem at the same level: Jesus paid for it. So I'm just there to collect the payment.


Thursday 23 June 2016

Spider-Man Outreach

We went out as Spidermen. Many healings and three salvations! Three people gave their lives to Jesus. All these happened in less than 2 hours. Jesus is so GOOD!

Here are some of the testimonies as there were many people healed and we didn't mean to go around taking photos of everyone.

1) A guy from Singapore
- A guy came to both of us and took a video of us as he talked. He had lower back problem for some time. His right leg was shorter than the left one. As we ministered, his right leg grew out. He captured the whole encounter in his phone's video. Apparently, he had backslidden and we shared with him the love of God and encouraged him to return to Him. Jesus!

2) Two Jewish ladies from Israel
- They wanted us to take photos with them. One of their colleagues had lower back problem and pain at both sides of his back. Jesus healed him. We told the Jewish ladies about Jesus.

3) A group of ladies and men from India
- Healed of various problems
- One of the guys had an accident years ago and he constantly had pain at the side of his head. Jesus healed him within seconds. Jesus!

4) A guy from Hong Kong
- He met a car accident and fractured his forearm and finger. Doctor said it would take two months to recover.
- Within seconds, all pain left his forearm and he could move his finger freely! Jesus!
- He didn't dare to remove his bandage but he gave his life to Jesus!

5) A group of Secondary school students from Singapore
- After helping to donate, we got one of the students to lay hand on her friend who had pain on her thigh and knee. Her friend was so shocked when she tested it out. The look on her face was priceless. All pain left.
- We got the one healed to lay hand on the other friend. The latter screamed, "Oh my gosh!" One of them asked, "Are you serious? The pain is gone???" She screamed and said, "Yes! This is serious! Amazing!"
- They are all Christians and we told them to keep healing the sick in their school and share the Gospel with their friends. Jesus!

6) Three girls from Singapore
- One of them was healed of pain on her neck.
- We shared the Gospel with all of them. One of them is a Christian. The other two gave their lives to Jesus right on the spot, outside Plaza Singapura's entrance! Jesus!

People told me not to do such a foolish thing by dressing up as Spiderman to go into the streets. Some said, "People will think you are crazy." But God uses what seems foolish to confound the wise.

My take is this... use any way as long as it leads people to the WAY. Jesus! 

The world loves superheroes. They are waiting for the real One to appear. Everybody wants a Hero like Jesus. Jesus is the real Super Hero! #lifestylechristianity101 #spideyoutreach

Tuesday 21 June 2016

"Sell" Jesus To Salespersons

While waiting for wifey, a M salesperson approached me to sell hair dressing coupons. Bought the coupons from her, told her about her left knee and she received healing. Then I started to "sell" her Jesus. We are also salespersons. We represent Jesus.

Don't avoid salespersons. Let them come and you "sell" them Jesus. #lifestylechristianity101

Monday 20 June 2016


You either preach for the response of heaven or the response of earth. The former is worship and the latter is idolatry. It's such a fine line that only the preacher knows the difference. #sermonprep #justathought

Let Scriptures Be Scriptures

"These signs WILL follow those who believe: ...they WILL lay hands on the sick and the sick WILL recover."

It is easy to lay hand on the sick and when they don't get healed, we say, "Oh it's not God's will... Oh I don't have the gift of healing, so let others do it... Because you don't have enough faith... Oh it's a mystery that I have no answer."

It is harder to acknowledge that God is good and it is always His will to heal; healing is not only for the gifted, but it is the believer's identity. And I need to grow more when the sick doesn't get healed.

We don't like to be the issue of what is not resolved. So we rather put the responsibility on others and God instead of ourselves.

Let's not complicate it.

Jesus healed every sickness and disease. He was living as a Man relying on God. There was not once when He laid hand on someone and said, "It's not God's will, bro... You don't have enough faith, bro... It's a mystery, bro." You can't find it in Scriptures, because it is not Scriptural.

But when the disciples couldn't cast out the demon and heal the boy, Jesus said, "Because of your unbelief..." (Matt 17:20) He was referring to the disciples who were supposed to heal the sick.

Let Scriptures be Scriptures and we just need to keep growing.

Saturday 18 June 2016

Recounting Testimonies

As my son sat on the bed, I recounted today's testimonies to him. To my amazement, he listened attentively to the five healing testimonies.

Passing on to the next generation...

Brand New Hip

Turkish man who was due for hip surgery is now totally pain free. Jesus!

Old Age But Healthy

While waiting for my wife to come out of the ladies, a man walked towards my direction. When he came near, I pointed to the area opposite his left elbow and asked, "You feel sore here?" He said "Yes". I said, "Rheumatism?" He nodded, and added, "Old man. It's normal." His arm went numb during prayer and the sore left.

If we believe ailment is normal when we are old, we will get what we believe. 

Caleb, at the age of 85, said this, "As yet I am AS STRONG this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in. Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day; for you heard in that day how the Anakim were there, and that the cities were great and fortified. It may be that the Lord will be with me, and I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord said.” - Joshua 14:11-12

At 85, Caleb was as strong as he was at 40. And he was living under the Old Covenant. He wasn't born again. He didn't have the Spirit of God dwelling in him.

We have the Spirit of God residing in us. Therefore, we need to remove the lies of having ailment, weak knees and bones at old age. Kenneth Hagin was still running around on the stage in his 70s. He died without any sickness. What is possible for Caleb and Kenneth Hagin is possible for us.

Friday 17 June 2016

Waiting For Wife

Catholic waitress at TCC fractured her thumb and was wearing a wrist support. Within a few seconds, she removed the support and worked without any pain. She was totally shocked by the goodness of Jesus.

The other Hindu waitress came to me. She stepped on shattered glass and was injured few days ago. All pain left the sole of her foot. Jesus!

Things you can do while waiting for your wife in the cafe. Seize the moment to cease the works of the devil.

P.S: The waitresses offered to pay for all our drinks and said it's complimentary, but we didn't accept. Healing is free. Jesus paid for it.

#lifestylechristianity101 #everydayJesus

Thursday 16 June 2016

The Greatest Power

The Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells IN us. (Romans 8:11)

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. To raise him from the dead, He had to heal the sickness that Lazarus had.

The Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead. To raise Jesus from the dead, God had to heal every stripe that Jesus took for us. Jesus took all our sicknesses and bore our diseases.

The Spirit of God is the greatest Power in the whole Universe. Where the Spirit of God is, there cannot be sickness, disease or premature death.

And this Spirit of God (greatest Power) lives IN us. Therefore, I cannot be sick. I cannot die prematurely. I will only live healthy and strong. I will walk in divine health.

The Spirit of God is in union with my spirit. We are one, just as Jesus and the Father are one. Therefore, I can heal the sick and raise the dead (not because of my ability, but because of the Spirit of God who dwells in me). #truthconfession #believe

The Mind of Christ

These signs WILL follow those who BELIEVE: ...they WILL lay hands on the sick and the sick WILL recover." (Mark 16:17-18)

1) they WILL lay hands on the sick
'they' refer to 'those who BELIEVE'. In other words, if you believe, you will lay hands on the sick. If you don't believe, you won't lay hands on the sick.

2) and the sick WILL recover
It's a guarantee - 'WILL' recover. If you lay hands on the sick, the sick WILL recover. It's not a matter about how they are going to recover. It's not a matter about how long it takes for them to recover. They WILL recover. (But we should always go after instant healing)

3) These signs WILL follow those who BELIEVE
If the signs don't follow me, it's because I don't believe. Something is wrong with my belief system.

If the sick does not recover when I lay hands on the sick, it has to do with my belief system. What am I believing wrongly?

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. - Romans 12:2

Mark 16:17-18 is the will of God. When I lay hands on the sick, the sick WILL recover. If the sick doesn't recover, it has nothing to do with the will of God. It's because I fail to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).

I need to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Renewing my mind is simply changing my belief. What am I believing wrongly that I need to change so that I believe rightly? 

The answer is found in the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16). We have the mind of Christ --- see what Christ sees and believe it.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Gaining Entry

M staff at Punggol RC with arthritic knee was limping. She got completely healed and started to testify to her colleagues. That gave me entry into the staff office of RC where a mini-healing rally broke out and Jesus was shared to all the staff. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #everydayJesus

Healing Is Simple

WARNING: Reading this post will set you free from the methods of healing the sick and gives you freedom that you might have never thought before.

"But the most sobering realization I had was that all this time, I had been praying to the wrong god. The god I was seeking may have been the right one by name and association with Jesus, but his character was utterly different from the true God. I was approaching a god who was indifferent to human suffering, who cared less about the person in front of me than I did, who wouldn’t hear my prayers unless I found the right combination of words to unlock His favor, and who didn’t love me or the sick person enough to move unless I somehow performed to his standards. That’s the wrong god altogether; and if we’re honest, that’s the god many of us approach for healing ministry." ---- by a missionary evangelist.

This sharing above is very true. Like the evangelist, I had approached the wrong god by doing these stuff when I tried to move in healing:

1) Say the right and eloquent words to pray for healing with little or no result

2) Push power through my arm with no result

3) Imagine rivers of life flowing through my arm with little result

4) Visualize the sick healed while ministering healing with little result

5) Taking spare parts from heaven's spare part rooms with little result

6) Raise my voice to heal the sick with little or no result

7) Fasting extensively for greater breakthrough for healing but with little or no result

But the moment I realised the nature of God and rested in Jesus' perfect and finished works on the Cross without helping Him in any part, I saw healing breakthrough like I had never seen before.

God spoke to me personally on Galatians 2:20. It transforms how I do healing. Completely and totally. If I have died, there is no more effort required from me. Not even any spiritual discipline like fasting, praying, reading the Scriptures, etc can cause healing to manifest more.

It is interesting that when we lead someone to Jesus for salvation, we don't first fast, pray or read the Scriptures SO THAT salvation can take place. We simply trust Jesus to take care of the person's salvation. But when it comes to healing, all sacred cows start to manifest. "Oh I got to pray longer. Oh I got to fast for extended period to see breakthroughs for healing. Oh I got to read more of the Word." These are human efforts that we put in to help God do what He has already done 2000 years ago. We think salvation is simple but healing is of a different level. Well, salvation of our spirit actually demands the death of Jesus. It is a "GREATER" miracle than the healing of our body.

READ: Someone told me that in order to be "qualified" to serve in healing ministry in her church, she has to be active in church for two years. Well, if there is no salvation ministry in the church because leading someone to Christ is supposed to be every believer's responsibility, guess what happens to healing and deliverance ministry? It's time to empower every believer to do the same as leading someone to salvation. Don't make healing and deliverance more difficult than salvation. It has hindered many believers (including me) from walking out the Gospel truth. This is part of the reasons why more and more believers are walking out of church organisations to fellowship in small/home groups where they are empowered to walk like Jesus. Soakability Church, in my personal opinion, is a great place for you to walk out your true identity in Christ. In that place, everyone is allowed to participate in everything. There is no separation. There is a culture of honour - honour every believer as sons and daughters of God.

Disclaimer: I'm not encouraging you to leave your present church. I'm only suggesting Soakability Church, if you are still looking for a church to attend.

When the people asked Jesus how they could do the miracles that Jesus did, Jesus answered, "This is the work of God: to BELIEVE in the One He has sent." (John 6:29)

Jesus didn't say, "First, fast. Then, pray. Then, read the Word. Then be good and holy. Then you can try and miracles may happen." (Pardon my singlish)

READ: I wonder how many Christians will fast, pray, read the Word and be holy IF they are not involved in any kind of ministry whatsoever.

In a nutshell, I understood one thing. Healing is as simple as Jesus did in the Gospel. "You shall lay hand on the sick and the sick will recover."

Jesus didn't say, "You shall lay hand on the sick and imagine/visualize/take spare parts/raise your voice/push power through your arm/let rivers flow..... and the list goes on..." These are what we have added in because of our and others' successful experiences. We try to model that. We try to copy what works. But at one point, we need a personal revelation of who Jesus is - that cannot be copied.

Let's not add to the simple instruction found in the Scriptures. Keep it simple and simplicity is POWER.

P.S: I am not writing this for any intention of argument. Do what works for you. I'm keeping the Gospel simple because it is simple.

Saturday 11 June 2016

A Tissue For Every Issue

My wife pulled her ankle while walking out of the train. We sat down, prayed thrice with only some improvement. She was still limping as we went to the next train. Decided to give her a tissue and she got completely healed. Ankle can now rotate freely without pain. Indeed it's a tissue for every issue.

Moral of the story: Use whatever means you can to see the person whole. Because it is God's will to heal.

The M Season

Two M security guys at Coffee Fest healed of ACL and left shoulder problem through word of knowledge. They talked about the rigid fast (it's compulsory) during this period of 29 OR 30 days. When presenting Christ who heals, they listened intently. Not here to challenge them and present my belief, but to present Him. 

When we present our belief, it opens room for argument. When we present Him, it stops every argument. 

Christ has set us free from the yoke of slavery. #notcompulsory #coffeefest #lifestylechristianity101

Thursday 9 June 2016

New Covenant VS Old

Many are still living in Old Covenant mindset. New Covenant does not mix with the Old. New wine cannot be poured into old wineskins.

Old VS New:

1) Repent to be forgiven VS Repent because you are already forgiven

2) Obedience for blessings VS Righteousness for blessings

3) Do right = righteous VS Believe right = righteous

4) Fasting for breakthroughs VS Resting in Christ's finished works for breakthroughs

5) Praying for open heaven VS heaven is already opened by Christ

6) Generation curses VS Redeemed from all curses

7) Following His presence VS Carrying His presence

8) Waiting for God to move VS God waiting for us to move

9) Asking God for anointing VS anointing is already in us

10) Be humble as a servant VS Be humble as a son

11) Praying for revival VS revival is in us

12) Praying for blessings VS Having every spiritual blessing in Christ

13) Praying for God's favour VS Believing that His favour is already upon us

14) Praying for an acceptable year of the Lord VS Walking in full acceptance in the Beloved

15) Struggling against sinful flesh VS Dead in the flesh but alive to God

16) Sinner VS Saint

17) Sinful nature VS Divine nature

Man, the list just keeps going on. If we believe wrongly about our new identity, we will walk contrary to it. 

The Bible says, "According to your faith, it will be done." If you believe that you need to do something before things happen, you will need to do that thing before things happen. If you believe that you can simply believe in Christ for things to happen, it will happen according to that belief.

Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. But somehow we like to carry heavy yoke and heavy burden.

Years ago, I mixed New and Old in my life due to different kinds of teachings I received. But Scriptures tell us in Hebrews 5 that righteousness is solid food for the mature. I always wondered why. When I understood righteousness for the first time, every lie and half-truth (which is still a lie) is destroyed. Righteousness is the core foundation of our Christian life. Righteousness is the key to discern between good and evil (especially the teachings we listen to).

Righteousness is what our new identity is made of. You won't go back to the Old once you understand the New.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Let's Start Moving

There is no greater or newer move of God than the move He already made on the Day of Pentecost 2000 years ago.

"For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:

‘And it shall come to pass in the LAST DAYS, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy."

"....This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses. Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He POURED OUT THIS which you now see and hear. - Acts 2:15-18, 33-34

This is the fulfillment to prophet Joel's prophecy. We are not the only generation that is living in the last days. Because since the Day of Pentecost, everyone has been living in the last days. God has already poured out His Spirit.


God is not going to pour out more Spirit because there is only Holy Spirit. This is why the disciples in Acts shook the world upside down - with and by the Holy Spirit.

The disciples didn't stay in the room praying for a new move of God. They didn't pray for revival. They ARE revival. They were praying for boldness SO THAT they could get out to win the lost and shake the world with the Gospel and with power and love.

"Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” - Acts 4:29-30

It's time we stop doing religious stuff to feel good. Let's not seek for any new move of God. The move has already been made. Let's go back to the move in book of Acts, because we are still far from that move.

Praying for a new move of God is placing the responsibility and blame on God when it doesn't happen. But God has already put the responsibility in men when He gave the Holy Spirit. That's why He didn't say, "Stay in the room longer..." After the Holy Spirit was poured out, He said, "GO".

"The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is the greatest event in Christian history. Greater than the Crucifixion, of greater import than the Resurrection, greater than the Ascension, greater than the glorification. It was the end and finality of Crucifixion and Resurrection, Ascension and glorification." - John G Lake

John G Lake believed so much about the Day of the Pentecost. Yet we are chasing after another so-called "new move" of God, which is classified by men, but not found in Scriptures. This is why we haven't seen what John G Lake had seen. 

What if every believer steps out of the prayer room (Note: I'm not saying that communion with God is not important) and be that revival? The whole world will be shaken once again.

P.S: I believe there is another move of God. Not pouring out more Spirit. But that move is when He comes back for the rapture of the church and the judgment of the world. That move will no longer be in the LAST DAYS. That move will be the LAST DAY (singular).

Acts 2:20 - The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome DAY of the Lord.

Let the move of Pentecost move us to move.

Monday 6 June 2016

Healing With Tissue

The last time I used tissue to heal the sick was for my wife. I was inspired by Jeff Yuen when he passed me a healing tissue for my son.

He inspired me again with his tissue testimony. Today, while sitting at Mac Donald waiting for a friend, I passed a tissue to a youth who sat next to my table. He had right knee injury due to football. When I passed him the tissue, he didn't know what it was for. So it was not a psychological healing. I only said, "Put at your right knee." He was healed after placing the tissue there for a few seconds. He squatted without pain and wondered how this could happen. Managed to share Jesus with him and his two friends. Two Catholics and one Buddhist. One of them asked how I encountered Jesus and I shared my conversion story with them. Young people don't want religious, churchy stuff. They are seeking for the real deal found in Christ alone.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Free Dessert

So the Singaporean Buddhist manager gave us free dessert (made by himself) because his shorter leg grew out & his back was healed through word of knowledge.

Disclaimer: This is not an encouragement to minister to people for the sake of free dessert or food.