Tuesday 1 July 2014


Went to have my haircut today at a familiar and cheap salon.

The 50-year old hairdresser, Serene, encouraged me to try out a new hairstyle which she has just been tested and approved in England. She said that it would suit the shape of my face. As I have never tried it before, she did a mild version of the original, new age hairstyle.

As we were talking, God gave a word of knowledge concerning her left ankle. As the impression wasn't very strong, it required me to step out in faith, despite of uncertainty.

I asked her, "Do you have pain on your left ankle?"

She replied, "Why do you ask that?"

"Just want to check if you have pain here (pointed to the area)."

"Yes. But why did you suddenly ask?" She questioned in surprise.

This gave me an opportunity to talk about Jesus. But I realised how poor my Mandarin is when it comes to sharing the Gospel. I don't know how to say "insecurity" in Chinese. She asked me why I converted from Taoism to Christianity and I couldn't really share my conversion story properly in Mandarin. Time to brush up -_-"

After my haircut, I prayed for her ankle. She walked around and tested. She said, "It is different now. My ankle feels loosened and good." And she automatically lifted the other ankle and asked me to pray. God's healing was upon her.

Every day is a day to bring an encounter to someone. I'm available, Lord.

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