Tuesday 8 July 2014

Past Testimonies

I should also record past testimonies whenever I can recall them.

Psalms 119:167-168 - My soul keeps Your testimonies, and I love them exceedingly. I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies, for all my ways are before You.

There were a number of instances when I ministered to cab drivers. I simply love to talk to the cab drivers and minister to them because they are the only audiences who can't run away while driving. Quite a number of them thought that I am a Chinese sinseh by profession, because of the way I ministered healing to them - pressing my fingers on their areas of pain without speaking out the prayers.

In evangelism, we have to minister to people according to the way in which they can receive, rather than according to our way of doing. I have also learnt the hard way after experiencing many rejections in the streets. God is creative. So He gives us creativity.

Most of the time, word of knowledge was received and released before healing was ministered. Cab drivers got healed of neck problem, rotary cuff injury, back and spine problems, pain at ankle, forearm, shoulders, shin, knee, calf, thigh and sole of the foot, etc. One driver was partially healed of deafness in his left ear.

Out of these, there was one particular incident that I remembered vividly, because the driver was willing to switch off his engine, stepped out of his car and let me minister to him.

I had a word of knowledge concerning his spine. Surprised, he asked me how I knew about his problem. As usual, I told him that I'm a Christian - "Jesus talks to me and I talk to Him. He tells me about your problem."

I continued, "I will check for you later for free."

He responded, "Do you practise acupuncture?"

"No. But I can check for you for free."

Suddenly I was impressed upon to say this, "Your spine may be crooked. You have uneven legs."

He said, "No. I don't think so."

"Let's check later."

I purposely got him to alight me at the lobby area so that I could take time to minister to him. He switched off his engine, opened the car door and sat there with his legs fully stretched out (following my instruction). One of his legs was shorter than the other by about 1.5cm. Prayed and God grew out his leg. He came down from the cab to test his back by walking around and to his amazement, he felt good. God healed him. Shared with him about Jesus but he didn't receive Him. Nonetheless, the Gospel seed was sown.

Was there any driver who wasn't healed? Yes. A few of them who had arthritis. Some cannot be verified as they have gastric issue, blood pressure, high cholesterol level and diabetes. Some received partial healing.

Other instances when one of the legs was shorter and it grew out:

1) A Blangadesh worker who was waiting to make his payment at TTSH Orthopedics department. It grew by 2cm. He is a Muslim but he told me to invite him to church if there is any special event.

2) A young adult leader who had knee injury. While praying, God gave a WOK (word of knowledge) concerning his back. Found out that one of his legs was shorter. God grew it back.

3) A construction worker who was going to leave TTSH after visiting the Orthopedics. His leg grew out too.

4) A church intercessor whose leg also grew out.

There was an encounter with the spirit of affliction in the streets one day. I was praying for a Blangadesh worker. After I prayed, his pain moved from finger to wrist area. I remembered Randy Clark sharing that if the pain were to move, it is likely the spirit of affliction and we have to cast it out instead. As I cast out the spirit, he got completely healed.

Interesting instances:

1) Healing by proximity

An Indian JC student received healing by proximity. She told me not to touch her toe (she had toe injury and just came back from hospital). Neither was I allowed to touch her leg. It then dawned on me that this could be a Hindu culture. As I asked God what to do, He told me to place my palm above her toe area without touching. As I prayed, I felt a strong heat flowing through my palm. She received 80% healing.

2) Healing by umbrella

One Blangadesh worker received complete healing for his back problem by the power of God flowing through an umbrella as a crazy thought came to my mind to lay the umbrella on his back. Another worker received partial healing for the same problem with the umbrella.

3) Healing by tissue

One day, my wife complained about a sharp pain at her right shoulder, probably due to prolonged carrying of Jeshua throughout the whole day. I told her that I would pray for her after my shower. As I was bathing, I reflected on the book of Acts where Paul's handkerchief could heal the sick. I also remembered an incident when a pastor friend used a piece of tissue to heal my rib area. So I told God, "If You could do it during Paul's time, if You could do it through my pastor friend, then You can do it again. Because You are the same yesterday, today and forever."

I came out of the shower room, took a piece of tissue and prayed over it. Then I passed to my wife and asked her to place at her right shoulder. After a few minutes into our conversation, she suddenly realised that the pain was gone! She was only left with slight numbness. Laid hand and prayed and she got totally healed. Praise Jesus!

Abrupt instances:

1) MRT Platform

While waiting for the train to come, I saw a construction worker with a bandage on his wrist. He got completely healed from months of wrist injury. People were watching but it didn't matter. As long as he was blessed.

2) In the MRT

I boarded the train and headed towards Farrer Park. A group of Blangadesh workers boarded at Serangoon station. I was literally surrounded by them. Since I was in the middle, I thought, "Why not use this chance to reach out to them?" God revealed two WOK - one with neck problem and the other with shoulder problem. I asked the whole group, "Does anyone of you have neck and shoulder problem?" Two responded and they got healed in Jesus' name.

3) Queuing for Coffee Bean

While queuing for coffee bean at Expo during IDMC Conference, I had a WOK for the person in front of me - pain at knuckles area. He was shocked when I asked him. He confirmed and said that it's arthritis. Prayed for him and he felt better. Prayed also for his daughter who had wrist injury. She felt much better.

Once, there was a construction worker who had arm injury for few years. He had gone to many doctors but it didn't recover. Prayed for him many times. After each prayer, his pain reduced. Finally, he was totally healed. I was personally very touched by the love of God.

There were some other instances that I couldn't recall now. Sometimes, I would share the Gospel after healing took place. Sometimes, I would just talk about Jesus. Sometimes, due to various circumstances, I would just say, "Jesus healed you. He loves you."

Healing and miracles are meant to point people to Jesus. It is always His desire to heal. It is always His will to heal. He always wants to heal NOW (the timing was already confirmed 2000 years ago when Jesus died on the Cross).

I want to leave a legacy of faith for Jeshua and future generations. I hope to see Jeshua breaking into greater realms of His love and power. May my ceiling be his floor. May God help me to run this race and finish it well.

Psalm 71:18 (The Passion Translation) - Give me grace to demonstrate to the next generation all Your mighty miracles and Your excitement to show them Your magnificent power!

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