Saturday 26 July 2014

Muslim Security Guy

I alighted at Punggol station and walked past a security guy who was sitting at the platform.

As I was heading to the escalator, the Holy Spirit prompted me to pause and go back to him. I said, "Holy Spirit, how can I bless that guy?" He said, "Check out his lower back."

I walked back to him and asked, "Hey, do you have lower back problem?" He nodded, "Maybe it's due to fasting in this month." And he pointed the area to me.

I shared with him - "I'm a Christian and I pray to God like you pray to Allah and God spoke to me about your back problem."

He allowed me to pray for him. Prayed twice with no visible improvement. But I'm trusting that the seed of healing has been sowed and the full manifestation will take place so that he can experience the love of Christ.

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