Saturday 5 July 2014

Years Of Injury

While waiting for my YMLC group to gather before we went out for durians, I received a word of knowledge for the hotel captain - left knee problem.

I went to approach him. His name is Kumar, an Indian working in Malaysia. When I first asked him about his left knee, he said that it was okay. I asked again and he said, "Nothing. Why?"

Unconvinced, I asked the third time - "What about your right knee?" Finally, he responded, "Actually, my left knee has this pain for few years. I injured myself and something inside has shifted. Now I can't bend fully without pain."

I asked him to sit down and let me take a look. Prayed for him and got him to test it out. To my surprise, he simply squatted down bravely and quickly. He replied, "It's gone. When you prayed for me, I felt something moving in my knee."

"Is it good now?" I asked.

"Yes. Good. I also have numbness at my back area. I don't feel it now but it comes on and off." He requested me to pray and I did.

Found out that he's a Hindu and I talked a little about Jesus before telling him that Jesus loves him. 

Jesus encountered Kumar and healed him from his years of knee injury. Praise God!

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