Thursday 3 July 2014

Sudden Surprise

Five minutes ago, I was near home. When I was about to enter the lift, my index finger suddenly felt a tingling sensation. A lady in her late 50s walked into the lift after me. She pressed the button to level 13 while I pressed level 15.

I could have easily let this sensation slip me by. As I asked God, I felt that it was a word of knowledge. So when the lift went past level 11, I quickly asked her, "Do you have problem with your fingers?"

She said, "Huh?"

I repeated (moving my fingers), "Do you have problem with your fingers?"

She nodded, "Yes."

I came out of the lift with her at level 13 and said, "What problem do you have?"

She showed me her last finger. "Numbness here."

I laid hand and prayed very quickly. "Try moving it now."

Surprised, she asked, "Is this going to be temporary or permanent?"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"The numbness is gone. Is this going to be temporary?"

I replied, "Let's trust that it is permanent."

She questioned, "How come you know?"

"I'm a Christian. Jesus can talk to me. When I entered the lift, I felt something on my finger. He told me it's you."

She responded, "I see. My palm area also has numbness. But my little finger's numbness is gone."

I laid my hand and prayed for her palm. "You try again."

She clenched her fist a few times and said, "Wah... So good huh. Feeling good."

I shared about Jesus and told her that I stayed on 15th floor. 

She's a Taoist. But the seed of the Gospel is sown. 

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