Sunday 6 July 2014

Wonderful Breakfast

Went out of the hotel to look for a local coffeeshop for breakfast. My youth leaders slept very late last night (or this morning) so they couldn't get up to go.

As I stepped out of the hotel, I prayed, "God, I'm available today."

I noticed one local guy who was limping and I went to approach him. But he rejected my offer to pray for him.

I strolled past many coffeeshops that were closed before stumbling upon this dim sum coffeeshop. The owner is a young Chinese guy with 5-6 Indonesian female workers.

While eating, I asked God to reveal to me how I could bless the staff here. God gave me word of knowledge for two of the staff - one with back problem and the other with pain at her right deltoid.

After settling the bills, I asked the boss if I could bless his staff. As the Indonesian workers didn't understand English, the boss was kind enough to translate for me. I asked him twice if he would mind that I was doing this to bless his staff and he agreed.

Prayed for the first one with back problem (lady on the left of the photo) and she got healed. She requested to be prayed for her aching jaw and God healed her completely.

The lady with right deltoid pain (not in photo as she's a shy lady) received her partial healing - not 100% but she got better.

Another staff (lady on the right of the photo) saw what was happening and she came over. She asked to be prayed for her shoulder pain. She was also healed.

I blessed the boss and told him that I came from a church in Singapore. As I got to rush back for the next service, I didn't manage to share the Gospel. I doubt I could do it in Mandarin though.

God is so good. He desires to encounter and touch lives. We just have to be available.

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