Saturday 12 July 2014

It Is Always God's Will & Time To Heal & Save NOW

After equipping the youth leaders on healing and evangelism, we went out to the streets to distribute food, minister healing and evangelise to the migrants - most of them are Muslims.

We saw different healings taking place within 45 min as we had to rush back for laser tag games. Knee injury, finger, wrist, back, shoulder pain healed in Jesus' name!

Two of the youth leaders spoke to one of the migrants and gave him food to eat. They prayed for his recurring shoulder problem. He was surprised to feel that his shoulder suddenly became much lighter. God touched him. They then grabbed the opportunity to share the Gospel with him. This Muslim migrant received Jesus into his life as they led him through the sinner's prayer. Praise Jesus! Come on!

His name and contact number was taken down so that we can follow up with him.

It is always God's will and time to heal NOW.

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