Monday 30 June 2014

Salvation In Hospital

Occasionally, I like to visit Tan Tock Seng hospital during lunch hour to reach out to the patients at Orthopedics department. This is something that the Lord has impressed upon my heart to do so.

One day, I went with a friend to reach out at the same place. An Indian guy walked towards the Orthopedics department and he seemed to be limping. Seeing that, my friend went to approach him to pray for his leg and he felt better. My friend started talking to him when I walked over to join him.

The Indian guy shared that he used to be a police officer for many years until he felt dominated by his superior. As a result, he left the force. While we were having the conversation, I felt God giving a word of knowledge concerning the stiffness from his neck to both his shoulders. God said, "If he releases forgiveness to his supervisor, he will be healed totally."

So I asked him, "Do you have stiffness around your neck and shoulder area?"

He gave a surprised look. "How come you know?"

"We are Christians. Christians can talk to Jesus and Jesus will talk to us. If you will release forgiveness to your supervisor, you will be totally healed."

He listened.

We led him to pray a prayer of forgiveness. After he prayed, we got him to test out his neck and shoulders without even praying for him to be healed.

His eyes were wide open. "How can this be possible?! The pain is gone."

My friend immediately shared the Gospel with him and we led him to Christ.

One soul encountered Jesus and is saved.

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