Wednesday 25 June 2014

Greatest Miracle

Late 2012 to early 2013 marked the beginning of healing and miracles.

In Aug 2013, we had our youth leaders' fellowship event at Johor Bahru. It was pretty intriguing as we played the paintball game near Aeon Shopping Mall. They have three different terrains and the price is more than 50 percent cheaper as compared to Singapore.

After the paintball game, we went to Aeon for lunch at Kenny Rogers. Halfway through our meal, a young lady walked in and approached us to sell handphone accessories.

We got to know that she is deaf.

I tried to communicate with her by writing out the words but I realised that she was unable to read English. Thus, one of my youth leaders helped me to translate into Chinese.

I told her that I would like to buy one accessory from her. At the same time, I also requested if I could pray for her to be healed.

Without much hesitation, she agreed. I laid hand on her ears and prayed twice with no visible result. All of a sudden, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit, "Her back is not straight. Pray for her back."

My first thought was, "What does the back have to do with her deafness?"

However, as the impression got stronger, I decided to ask her, "How is your back? Is your back straight?" (Of course, my leader was the one who helped me to translate into Chinese throughout my conversation with her)

She replied, "No. Nothing is wrong with my back."

As I felt that I heard from the Holy Spirit, I asked her to sit down on a chair so that I could verify by checking the length of her legs. True enough... She had crooked spine because her left leg was 2-3cm shorter than the right.

When she saw the difference, she was a little taken aback.

I gathered a few of my leaders and we laid hands and prayed for her left leg to grow out. There was a strong manifestation of heat around her ankle area.

Within a short while, her left leg grew out by 2-3cm so that both legs were of the same length! She was shocked by the healing.

I then asked if we could pray for her ears again. She nodded. We laid hands twice. Guess what? She could hear a little of our voices. It wasn't a complete healing but we thanked God for the partial healing.

She then asked, "Ain't all of you Christians? Why is it that you can perform miracles?"

Immediately, we shared the Gospel with her and she received Jesus into her life! Praise God! As she lives in Malaysia, we told her to attend a church near her place.

Instead of just bringing people to have an encounter with God in church, let's bring an encounter to people outside of church.

The greatest miracle, in my personal outlook, is always salvation in Jesus' name.

Below is the photo taken in Aug 2013 with the lady and two of our youth leaders.

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