Tuesday 24 June 2014

Even When You Fail

It is always inspiring when you hear of successful stories about healing and miracles. Yet, not many will share with you about their failures and what went wrong. Randy Clark from Global Awakening is one who shared about his failures and how the failures drove him to press on for MORE breakthroughs.

Today, I encountered a failure but God redeemed it - simply because of His grace and love. While having lunch with my wife, I thought I received a word of knowledge for a waiter, concerning his right shoulder. As I approached him (in hope of blessing him), I realised that I heard God wrongly.

However, he came back to my table and asked what I do as a living. I love it when people ask me. I told him that I worked in a church. We ended up in a short conversation and I got to know that he used to attend church many years ago. After the chat, he walked away to continue with his work.

But he came back again and asked for my name and contact number. He said, "What time is your church service? If I go there, I will give you a call."

I guess our loving Father is calling him to return to Him. This happened despite the fact that I heard God wrongly.

God uses anyone who is willing to take risk for Him. With Him, nothing is impossible.

Not a literal miracle. But a surprise and divine moment.

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