Saturday 28 June 2014

When God Reveals

Last night, I was on my way back from church and I boarded a cab. In fact, my wife prayed for the cab to come so that I would not return home too late. Thank God for answering her prayer immediately.

As I spoke to the 47 years old driver, I received a Word of knowledge concerning his left back. So I asked him, "Do you have pain at your back area at the left side?"

He replied, "Yes. How come you know?"

I said, "When I talk to Jesus, He talks to me and He told me that you have this area of pain."

The driver responded, "I see. I have gone to the Chinese sinseh few days ago to have it adjusted. I'm feeling better now. But the pain is now at my left rotary cuff."

Calmly, I responded, "Don't worry. I will check for you later."

Driver said, "Oh... You also work as Chinese sinseh?"

"No, I don't. I work in church. As a Christian, I can pray to Jesus and He will heal you."

Driver nodded, "I see. I heard that before."

Throughout the journey home, he shared his life with me - his father just went through an operation; his wife is back to her own country as she suffers from a terminal disease and he can't afford to pay her expensive medical bills in Singapore. It is a sad story.

He said, "My wife is really very sick."

I asked, "What is she suffering from?"

He replied, "I can't tell you."

Suddenly, I spoke something out of my mouth without thinking, "Even HIV can be healed. I have a pastor friend who has seen HIV patients healed. Whatever sickness your wife has, Jesus can heal even if doctors can't."

"Actually, you are right. My wife has HIV. It was diagnosed one month after we got married. Many people told me to divorce her but I didn't want to. I felt sorry for her."

I took the opportunity to talk about Jesus.

When we arrived at my void deck, I prayed for his rotary cuff thrice and he felt so much better. Left 5% pain.

I gave him my namecard and told him to call me, if ever his wife comes back to Singapore one day. I will bring them to my friend for prayer.

Very often, we just need to be available and God will use us to touch the lives of others. I want to be available not just in church, but especially outside the four walls of the church where people are, where darkness is.

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