Monday 27 February 2023

Speaking In Tongues

Speaking In Tongues

We were taught many benefits of speaking in tongues as a result of the baptism of the Spirit.

But the most significant purpose of tongues is the sign of a New Age (Joel 2:28-29; Acts 2:16-18). Tongues is a confirmation of the end of the Old Covenant and the start of the New Covenant.

What does this mean?

Tongues proves that the Holy Spirit has been poured out once and for all AND for ALL (Joel 2:28-29; Acts 2:16-18).

Tongues proves that we are in the last days (Acts 2:16-18).

Tongues proves that types and shadows in the Bible are over, because Christ now lives in us and through us.

Tongues proves that the separation between clergy and laity are over. Priesthood is here for every believer. (Note: There are still ministerial offices but not priesthood-separation).

Tongues is the revelation of Christ's finished works.

The next time when you speak in tongues, apart from all the benefits, remember the above points and boldness will come.

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