Wednesday 8 February 2023

Whole Armour of God Part 6

Whole Armour of God Part 6

The next weapon is a sword.

... and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. - Eph 6:17b

The sword of the Spirit is simple. The verse itself has defined it as the word of God. Since it is the sword of the Spirit, it is God's sword, not yours.

In other words, you don't have to worry about the effectiveness of the sword. It is 100% powerful and effective, because you are using His perfected sword.

The word 'word' in Greek is rhema. Many think that 'rhema' is a 'now' word from God, which differs from 'logos'. But 'rhema' and 'logos' are actually interchangeable. Compare the Greek in Luke 22:61 and Matt 26:75; Heb 4:12 and Eph 6:17; Heb 11:3 and 2 Peter 3:5. Compare also 1 Peter 1:23 and 1:25.

What does this mean? Jesus is the logos (John 1:1), but when He speaks, it is rhema.

The word 'word' in the context in Eph 6:17 says, 'the sense of command, commission; saving truth of God.'

In other words, every word (logos) of God is His saving truth. Logos lives in us, since Christ lives in us. Thus, whenever we speak or command according to His word, it is rhema.

We don't have to wait for a 'now' word from God. Because you and I have been commissioned to command His word. Whenever we speak or act according to His Word, it becomes the sword that slays the enemy.

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