Monday 6 February 2023

Whole Armour of God Part 5

Whole Armour of God Part 5

The whole armour of God is meant for offense, not just defense. We only gain ground by offense. The next weapon has to do with hope.

...and take the helmet of salvation, - Eph 6:17a

The word 'helmet' has to do with the hope of salvation (1 Thes 5:18). It is not just meant for protection of the soul (mind). It is meant for us to manifest the Kingdom's promises on earth.

Since faith is the substance of things hoped for (Heb 11:1), biblical hope is the premises where faith can be released. Without hope, there cannot be faith.

The word 'hope' in the Greek is the 'confident expectation of what is sure'. It is not what we like to say humanly, "I hope so...", "let's hope that this will happen", etc. Instead, it is built on the certainty that God is faithful and good, thus it shall be done. 

Therefore, we say, "This is done, because God said so in the Word." Biblical hope, thus, says "If God said it, that settles it."

And faith says, "If that settles it, I appropriate it NOW."

The word 'salvation' is not just the general church or the religious term of 'you are born again'. No. That is not what God meant. Salvation encompasses MUCH MORE than just being born again. It includes every promise of God in the Kingdom.

Jesus Himself walked and manifested all the promises of God on earth as He put on the helmet (hope) of salvation (Isaiah 59:17).

As we put this weapon on, we are telling the enemy, "All the promises of God are Yes in Christ, and through Him also is our Amen to the glory of God through us (2 Cor 1:20).

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