Thursday 9 February 2023

Do Not Be Held Captives Anymore

Do Not Be Held Captives Anymore

Even though the s̵c̵a̵m̵d̵e̵m̵i̵c̵ pan-there-meek is over, there will still be many who are held captives in their mind.

They will continue to do the 'creative' test regularly; they will continue to get their young kids and newborn i̵n̵t̵o̵x̵i̵c̵a̵t̵e̵d̵ vek-see-nated.

We need to take captives of these thoughts that try to hold us captives. Because they are not true.

Teruo Nakamura, a Taiwanese-Japanese soldier, endured 29 years in the jungle after the end of World War Two. He thought that the war had not ended.

His mind was still held captive, even though he could walk in freedom.

Baby Elephant Syndrome is where a baby elephant is tied to a strong rope or chain at a young age and is unable to break free of the constraint. When the elephant matures, the elephant has grown strong enough to uproot trees and surely break the rope, but the elephant has been conditioned to accept this constraint.

The elephant's mind is still held captive, even though it could walk in freedom.

We no longer need to be held captives by a lie that has bound so many for so long. The first step is to break free from doing what was mandated. That will be the first step towards freedom.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. - Gal 5:1

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